Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Amazing Race

This summer for our Youth Conference, we are takingour kids on an "Amazing Race". They will go to different places throughout the valley with assignments they have to perform in small groups. Teaching them to work as a team, listen to and follow instructions, support each other, learn to never give up and other valuable lessons are part of our goals. We will end up in mountains will be involved. If any of you clever friends or relatives have ideas for any of our stations, I would love for you to leave a comment..especially if you have done this in the past or are in the middle of doing something similar. Or if not, just put your minds to work and come up with something spectacular! Can't wait to hear from you..

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

We did an activity that demonstrated working together. It was a timed game done on a picnic table. Two teams were each given a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle, difficulty depending on age. One team got it in the box it came in, and the others got the pieces in a plastic ziploc. (Not the same puzzle but similar to the other one.)

Then they had a race to see which team could put theirs together first. The team with the cover always won because they could see the whole picture. The others weren't sure of what it was supposed to look like at the end, so they couldn't figure out the pattern and it took longer w/ lots more mistakes.

The Gospel is the whole picture. People can figure a lot out with their puzzle pieces of life, but it's much harder, takes longer to see what the goal is and you make more mistakes along the way. With the gospel we can see what we're doing, and how it's supposed to look. We've got a pattern for the pieces of our life.