Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to another Angel

I have written before that at different times people have watched over me. Once when I was in the hospital I had a nurse who's name was June who continually coached me to breath. She was so kind and loving, just like my mom, who's name was June. Another time there was someone called Pat who brought music to my life when I needed it most. A reminder of my friend, Pat, who is constantly watching over me and has music in her soul.
When I was sick, it was a constant battle to keep my prednisone regulated. The goal was to get me breathing without it. So my doctor was always trying to take me down slowly. When I would get to a certain point, my body would crash and he would up my dosage a bit. The exception was Christmas and when the PA gang came to visit. Then he would up it quite a lot, so I would have extra energy to enjoy the holidays or the kids. Even though I knew I would pay later, it was nice because I really felt good during those times. But there was one particular summer when this philosphy backfired. I had a bad reaction to the high dose of prednisone and ended up in the hospital. They had to take me down from the massive doses really fast and it was a nightmare. There was one particular nurse who was so kind and understanding. She would stand outside my door at night, just listening to see if I was breathing or if I was restless and come in immediately if she knew I needed her. Like I was her only patient. Like an angel watching over me. During that stay I don't know what I would have done without her. Her name was Martha. I have a sister who's name is Martha and she watches over me also. I sometimes wonder if it was a coinsidence that these people who watched over me so diligently had the same names as my loved ones? I don't think so.
Happy Mother's Day Marty.
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Travelin'Oma said...

Thanks for this nice tribute, Polly! You're the best little sister I could possibly have. (Jolyn got knocked off when I saw my picture on your blog front and center. Now, if Jo decides to honor me, too, we could have a real contest.)

whit said...

Very nice tribute..Marty is always there to help someone who has troubled "feelings" when they are at a cousin sleep over. There's a lot of people always helping our family out.