Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Last Word

Today in church we heard alot about mothers. Many times these meetings can leave me with mixed feelings. Some Mother's Days I feel that all is well with the world and I love everything I hear. Other years I feel that I have come up short and have feelings of regret over things I could have done better. It's a mothers way. That feeling of trying and feeling good sometimes and other times not up to task. The point is to always keep trying. Which even when I get down in the dumps, is what I try to do. These five darlings have always kept me going. During the lesson in Relief Society today our teacher talked about how her mother's dying thoughts were about her daugher. Which I think is probably true for most mothers. Our thoughts always turn to our children. We want what is best for them, we want them to be safe and happy. There isn't a day that goes by that these five and their families aren't in my thoughts and prayers. They are my world, I am grateful I was given the great opportunity to be a mother. I may not always live up to their expectations, but I will continue to try.
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

"By their fruits ye shall know them." You are a great mom!