Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scream or Do Flips?


Do you ever have one of those days? months? years? I think everybody does. We try not to talk about it. Some are more successful than others. I have a friend who has had lots of those days/months/years. But this particular friend always laughs. When he used to live in the neighborhood, and whenever we would get together, for some reason during the evening he would always run and do a flip! He did this whether we were at a neighborhood gathering or a church gathering. We would always laugh and cheer him on. During the summer, we had a fun party and this particular friend was there. He is my age, which makes him 57. Halfway through the evening, we all said "can you still do flips?!"


Never to say no to a challenge he got up and did his famous flip! We all laughed and applauded. I think I'll start following his example. Even with a bad back, doing flips sounds better than screaming! (Or maybe screaming and doing flips at the same time) Whatever as long as I'm laughing.
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

I think the Mary Tyler Moore hairdo is more your kind of flip. With the other kind you might land on a crack and break your grandma back! I'm OK with you screaming, though.