Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Is Over

It's been a lovely holiday. I got sick on Christmas Eve and for the first time in about 20 years had to cancel my Christmas Eve party. I felt really bad that I couldn't welcome my loved ones into our home. My dear brother stepped up and had everyone over to his home and of course all was well. Everything goes on regardless. Christmas came and went this year with all the joy of the season, as it always does. I am grateful for my family. They are full of love, unselfish, and kind. They made my Christmas a happy season. Which is what it should be. Giving so others are happy.
That is truly the best gift of all.
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1 comment:

al + sar said...

I was so sad about the party being canceled! We tried to recreate it but it just wasnt the same! Hope your feeling better!