Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We're home from our vacation. 
Couldn't have had a better time.
Loved being with the kids.  Every second was full of fun, baseball and more fun.
We even relaxed a bit and I had time to read four books!
There is nothing like spending time with family.

Monday, May 30, 2011


It's Memorial Day. 
 Usually on this day we would be visiting the very peaceful Mt Olivet and the not so peaceful Wasatch Lawns. 
 Cleaning up and bringing flowers to Leo, Maude, Jiggs and June.  
Remembering their love, the fun times we had with them and all they did for us. 
 Jim and I are two blessed people.  
We both had parents who loved family and would do anything for the family they had. 
 They were the happiest when surrounded by children and grandchildren.  
As we have been with these ballplayers this week, I can't help but think how much fun both Leo and Jiggs would have had watching each of these boys play. 
 As we sat around the table eating and all the boys continued playing in their yard, I can hear Maude and June laughing and commenting on how dear each one of the boys were.  
June and I would tell Maude how Hogan has her twinkling brown eyes.  
She would be thrilled. 
 Memorial Day is a time of remembering, not in a sad way, in a reflective happy way. 
 It is a time to stop and be grateful for those who gave their lives for our freedom.  
For me it is a time to remember those loved ones who have gone on before. 
 I might get a little teary, but mostly I am happy and grateful, for these are the people who made me who I am. 
 They are the ones who loved me unconditionally, who cared, who nourished, who taught, who sacrificed.  
So even though I am not there to put flowers on your grave, thank you to my parents, grandparents and all the greats who came before..
I love you.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


These boys never stop.  
After games, in their back yard the game begins again.

They even got Grampa playing last night. 
 Good times, never ending.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday we travelled to New Jersey, caught a bus- took us to Manhattan, and we were off. 
We walked everywhere, trying to see what we could in an afternoon.
 We got to Time Square, looked for discount tickets to plays.
 We are the goofy tourists in the left hand corner waving at the camera.
 A walk through Central Park. 
 Beautiful day.
 The Plaza Hotel
 The Empire State Building from the Top of the Rock.
Beautiful views anywhere you look.  
Becky was determined that we see a play, 
so we tried the lottery for "Wicked"-  we were sure we were going to win $25 tickets, 
but it didn't happen.  
I guess next time we'll have to plan ahead and stay longer.    
It was a fun day of seeing, eating and shopping.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today's been a bit more relaxing.  
Becky and I did some shopping.  
Jim and James went golfing, while the boys were at school.  
No baseball games today.
James has to work tomorrow, so Jim, Becky and I are off to NYC. 
She knows the city well, since every guest wants to go there, 
so it should be a fun day.
The weather is cooperating and we are loving the time we are spending with these kids.

Monday, May 23, 2011


 While the boys are at school,
 I'll take you on a tour of the beautiful surroundings we are living in right now. 
 There is nothing like the east if you like green grass, trees and lovely gardens.   
This is their long driveway leading up to their home.  
 They've worked hard making this house into a home.
  I love it!
 Their yard goes on forever. 
 Great when you have boys - they can play baseball, soccer - all at once.  
It's beautiful!
 Flowers don't grow like this at home - although maybe this year?!?
 Last time we were here this was their dining room-
 they never used it, so it became the den. 
 Love when space is turned into something really needed and will be used.
 This room looks so cozy and warm, you want to grab a book and curl up and read.
 The butterfly bush and the hostas are definately doing better out here.
 Pat, I wanted you to see this!!!!

James and Becky worked hard putting in this deck.  
We had a barbeque and sat out roasting marshmellows after the other night.  
What a great evening. 
 So relaxing.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


 A beautiful day for a ballgame.  
The minute I sat down in my chair and watched these boys come 
out on the field it felt like coming home. 
 It started when I was little at Evergreen Park in East Millcreek, 
watching my dad coach my brother. 
 Later on it was the Draper ball field, 
watching Jim coach Jamey and Ty. 
 And here we are watching ball - 
Harleysville, with our son James, coaching his boys. 
 It is one cycle that I hope goes on forever.  
The above picture is Jack on the pitcher's mound.
 He's our lefty and gives it all he's got.
 Taylor helping his dad with stats and coaching first base.  
We'll be watching him on Monday. Can't wait.
 The Coach.  
He seems a little more relaxed than previous generations.
 The spectators- 
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack,
I don't care if I ever get back-
cause its root, root root, for the home team
if they don't win it's a shame,
cause it's one, two, three strikes you're  out
in the old ball game.
 After the game!  
First year with kids pitching. 
 Luke's doing great.
 Hogan played earlier. 
 Pitched great, got a hit, stole bases -
 a natural.
One of the quotes on Jack's wall. 
 These boys live by these words. 
 They never give up, have fun and support each other.  
What a great day!  And guess what?  No rain and the sun was shining! 
 What could be better than watching boys play baseball while basking in the sun?  

Friday, May 20, 2011


We've arrived! 
 Today Jim and I got on a jet and flew at lightning speed across this wonderful country of ours.  
We were met at the airport by our oldest son and soon after united with his wife and our four oldest grandsons.  
We're about to start our baseball season, packed into a few short weeks. 
 Three games tomorrow!  Can't wait to see these guys out on the field.  
Will report on scores and batting averages. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

 I feel that I have a slightly unrealistic view of myself. 
I am still living in the past.  Thinking I am young, with youthful skin and hair. 
You know, lovely like we all used to be before we got, you know, old. 
Well, I am reminded occasionally by my little ones that I am living in a dream world.
Never so much as the other day.
 I was laying down by Jake, we had read stories and sung songs,
and now it was time to drift off to dreamland. 
But he was more interested in finding every part of my body that had excess skin on it and then pulling it with his little fingers. 
He especially liked the folds around my eyes and under my neck. 
 I realized that I had tons of excess skin, EVERYWHERE!!!
Jake reminded me, without saying a word that I am no longer young. I am a....
Actually my name is grama polly. 
Jake finally went to sleep.
As I gazed down at his face,  I thought about my stage of life.   
I like it better where I am.   I like looking at the scenery instead of myself, which, at this age is much more rewarding. 
Watching the trees bud, the flowers bloom,
the grass turn green and the little ones grow...
nothing more lovely.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Just got back from a great concert!
I've got a group of friends in this chorale, led by my friend Sally. 
They are unreal.  If you want to have a great evening go to one of their concerts.
Saturday May 21 - 7:30 at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, or The Waterford Concert Hall, Tuesday May 24 - 7:30. 
All the music is wonderful, but it would be worth going just to hear them sing "When the Saints go Marching In".  Dad would have loved it, so I hope he was listening tonight. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011


After a week of everyone  being sick with the flu.
We are trying to get something done around here.
First Jake and Sam. Then Abby and Mike. Then me and Jim, next Dylan and Tyler. 
Whitney and Melanie were out of town and Jason stayed away. 
Hopefully everyone will start feeling better, the sun will come out and stay out and the colds and flu bugs will fly away with the dark clouds.
 Today Jim and I have been working to get things planted. 
Last year I planted  herbs in my pots close to the house. 
I really enjoyed using them.  I also dried them and used them through the winter. 
Since I had success last year I thought I'd try more this season. 
I hope they do well. 
 Impatiens and tuberous begonias do really well in my garden, because it is so shady. 
 I love these flowers, epecially together.  The Garden Shop close by has beautiful tuberous begonias.  I can't find them as pretty anywhere else. 
Jim has been busy getting our sprinklers going and putting the vegetables in. 
 We really liked having fresh lettuce last year, although this year we are planting swiss chard instead of spinach. We are sticking to tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots, as well as pumpkins for the little ones to pick this fall.  Hope our garden flourishes  this year. We loved eating fresh salads last summer! Delicious!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Yesterday I was able to go to Relief Society. In our ward on Mothers Day, everything is done by the men and YW/YM organizations, so the women don't have to do anything. 
What a lovely gift. 
Except for the sweet sister who had to give the lesson! But I was so glad she didn't get the day off.  She is an amazing teacher. I love listening to her.  Her lesson yesterday was on Charity.
I loved the stories she told. She pointed out an interesting fact, that I hadn't thought about before, so I came home and wrote a little parable.

There were three sisters.  There names were Faith, Hope and Charity.  Now Faith was a very positive girl.  She was this way because she knew that things would turn out for the best. 
Hope was very sweet.  She was always singing.  She had a good heart and always wished the best for everyone.  Charity was a different story.  She was always missing.  The sisters could never find her!  She was constantly off at the neighbors doing something (Faith and Hope couldn't figure out what she was doing over there).  Or she was taking care of the little old lady up the street. She was always up to something!  Charity was a very busy girl.

The lesson learned is that we have to have Faith. Faith makes all things possible.  And we can't live without Hope.  But Charity comes first. We have to have Charity, to develop those Christ like traits. How else can we have faith and hope in Him?
"Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whosoever is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with Him".
Faith, Hope and Charity walk together
-hand in hand.
"Charity never faileth".

Sunday, May 8, 2011


 A lovely mother's day.
One where I thought all day how blessed I was to have such beautiful women come before me. Women who were always an example to me and continue to be. 
I think of them often.
Women who were full of compassion, charity and love.
Why was I so blessed to be born here, surrounded by these incredible people?
I can only say a prayer of gratitude each day that I knew and was influenced by each one of them. 
I continue to be blessed to have wonderful mother's raising my seven grandson's. 
They amaze me each day by all they accomplish and how much they give of themselves. 
The grandmother's would look down and smile, I'm sure. 
Happy Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


 The proud unveiling of our four month project.
Except for a picture or two, our new bathroom is complete. 
 Just in time!
 With the temperature rising we are ready to move outdoors
 and get our yard ready for summer activities. 
Jim did a marvelous job.
 I'm thrilled at how it turned out.