Monday, May 9, 2011


Yesterday I was able to go to Relief Society. In our ward on Mothers Day, everything is done by the men and YW/YM organizations, so the women don't have to do anything. 
What a lovely gift. 
Except for the sweet sister who had to give the lesson! But I was so glad she didn't get the day off.  She is an amazing teacher. I love listening to her.  Her lesson yesterday was on Charity.
I loved the stories she told. She pointed out an interesting fact, that I hadn't thought about before, so I came home and wrote a little parable.

There were three sisters.  There names were Faith, Hope and Charity.  Now Faith was a very positive girl.  She was this way because she knew that things would turn out for the best. 
Hope was very sweet.  She was always singing.  She had a good heart and always wished the best for everyone.  Charity was a different story.  She was always missing.  The sisters could never find her!  She was constantly off at the neighbors doing something (Faith and Hope couldn't figure out what she was doing over there).  Or she was taking care of the little old lady up the street. She was always up to something!  Charity was a very busy girl.

The lesson learned is that we have to have Faith. Faith makes all things possible.  And we can't live without Hope.  But Charity comes first. We have to have Charity, to develop those Christ like traits. How else can we have faith and hope in Him?
"Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whosoever is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with Him".
Faith, Hope and Charity walk together
-hand in hand.
"Charity never faileth".

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Beautiful thoughts...thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts and feelings. We were released from the Singles Branch and I got to spend Mothers Day in our "real" ward...which is mostly with my family. It was very different to have my grandchildren climbing on me rather than listening to the very quiet tick of the clock during the sacrament! Not in a bad way, though.