Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This year was particularly hard on roses. But I learned a long time ago that
roses are very hardy.
 At least my roses are. They just need a little tender
love and care and they will flourish.
This particular rose came from my daughter Abby's garden.
 She was redoing a few things and thought this one was gone,
or had to be
moved or something. So I brought it home, planted it and waited.
It looked awful for the longest time. Then Nick suggested cutting
it down to the ground, so we couldn't see how bad it looked, but
giving it a chance, just in case it decided to come back. How grateful
I am we didn't dig it up.
This small rosebush has the most beautiful
color roses I can imagine.
Not red, not pink, somewhere inbetween.
 So unusual, so lovely. Makes you think, you can't give up on anything,
or anyone.
Just cut out those old thorny branches that get in the way, help it along
and the color, size, shape and beauty will astound you.
I love gardening.

OH, and by the way- today is the best day to harvest herbs to dry
and keep-June 21 is when they are the most flavorful.
I'm going out right now to cut mine and start drying them.
They will continue to grow, so I can use fresh during the summer,
and have dry during the winter.
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

What a beautiful story! And that heart-felt connection with Abbey will always be there. My Grandma Bisel always had roses in the front yard. My Mom had a climbing rose by her kitchen window, which I had just told Earl I was going to go get a start. I really must visit with you and get a lesson on herbs. Sounds like my next project! Thanks for sharing.