Thursday, November 3, 2011


I've had a few difficulties in my life. I've also been acquainted with people who've had some trials. Some that seem so big, you wouldn't think they could ever continue to keep on going. The most important thing to be learned through trials is to keep on going, and that things generally work out...unless you let the trial get you.
President Gordon B. Hinckley gives two really excellent quotes on the subject.
 One is
"You can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable... it's your choice"
the other is
"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry, be believing, be happy, don't get discouraged. Things will work out." When I go through any trial, sometimes I will give myself a day or two to deal with whatever is going on.
Then I start looking around at what I'm grateful for.
Family and nature are always on the top of my list.
Just to hear one of the grandkids voices.
To see a flower or a fall leaf.
The warmth of hot cement on my bare feet in the summer or the crisp fall air on my face as the leaves turn their golden colors.
The first snowfall of the winter.
Being in my warm home watching as those big snowflakes fall softly to the ground.
What about that special treat I give myself when fruit is in season?
Fresh raspberries with a bit of cream, sprinkled with sugar.
Watering my beautiful roses and vines as they wind up the trellis Jim built for my birthday all those years ago.
Visiting with a dear friend, being excited about a new project.
Watching others rise above their trials, showing great courage and grace,
being an example by just being who they are and having faith that things will work out for them.
All these things help me to realize that in the grand scheme of things,

"All shall be well, And all shall be well, And all manner of things shall be well."
~ Dame Julian of Norwich

Things might not work out just as we would like,
 but that is what makes life interesting, that is how we grow, how we learn,
 and certainly how we become more grateful for the
simple things that make life lovely.

What are you grateful for?
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