Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine to my Mom

I found this note today.  It is a letter written to my mom on February 11, 1995. We had just talked on the phone, and she was so upset that there was nothing she could do for my sister Jolyn.   I thought I'd write it down as a Valentine to my mother. 

Dear Mom,  I've thought so much of you the last few days and I had to write down some thoughts.  Pat asked me to talk tomorrow to the Young Women about what mothers can give their daughters to help them. The gifts you have given me are exactly what I will talk about.  Yesterday when I was talking to you and you said you felt so helpless and couldn't do anything for Jo- I felt so bad. Then later when talking to Jolyn, I realized the strength she had, the same strength I have felt when going through hard times, and I know I will feel if tragedy ever strikes.  I realized that you shouldn't feel so helpless, because you and dad were the ones who gave us that strength through your example and the way you taught us.  You have prepared each one of us to face whatever is ahead.  No one can say what will happen to any of us or our kids in this life.  But you have prepared us by giving us belief in ourselves and teaching us to have a great faith in Heavenly Father.  You must rest easy knowing that you have done what the Lord put you on earth to do, and now it is your support and love, which you always give, that we need.  My greatest desire is to give these same gifts to my kids, cause I feel the world and the trials we face can only get worse.  But with those same tools you gave us, we can still have a wonderful life.  Jolyn will continue to have stress and heartache.  I know she will face it with strength and peace because she was raised by the same wonderful, loving parents that I was and you gave us everything we need to face this life.  Thank you for that gift.  I love you and dad very much.  Polly
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Billie Sue said...

What a special card to find...what a tribute to your parents. Isn't it great to find little treasures like this and recall with love and fondness our feelings for those we love so much. Happy Valentines' to you!

Travelin'Oma said...

This is a lovely letter! It's so like you, and so like Mom. Thanks for sharing it.

al + sar said...

Loved this!!