Friday, March 9, 2012

To my Children

All is quiet.  The little ones are fast asleep after a rather lively morning.  All of their needs wanting to be met.  Sam who is two was telling Dylan age 14 months "no, no, hot"  when Dylan tried to turn on the gas log.  Then turned it on himself.  Sam thinks he's in charge of everything, and actually he is.  (much like his mother).  As I look after these sweet little children, I reflect on my own.  Five children under the age of nine.  Constantly busy.  Giving them those same loves and trying hard to fill their needs.  Trying to teach them the things that they would need to succeed in this difficult world.  I have been extremely blessed.  Because despite my shortcomings as a mother, my children have turned into spectacular human beings.  They are smart, dependable and hardworking.   What they have achieved has been totally under their own power.  They picked and fell in love with wonderful people.  Kind, supportive, loving.  Wonderful mothers and fathers for our grandchildren.  Aside from being smart and hardworking they have the more important qualities of loyalty for each other and for us as their parents.  They all have extremely different and unique personalities, yet they love and appreciate one another.  They all have a fabulous sense of humor which helps us all through difficult times.  Forgiveness is also apart of who they are.  They realize what is important in this life.  Work is just work.  We need it to support our families and get by.  They are all successful, but realize the importance of family and put their families first.  As I sit here and reflect, I realize that Heavenly Father sent me the best of the best.  They have taught me, guided me and blessed my life.  How grateful I am to be their mother.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Sweet post - we have a good family which starts with our parents. We are lucky to all have each other.