Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Women from the Book of Mormon

A number of years ago, these talented ladies wrote and performed a program about the women from the Book of Mormon.  They wrote the lyrics, music, came up with costumes and sets within approximately a two month period of time.  They truly felt as though they were inspired.  They performed this program all over Utah, at women's conference, in the Washington DC area and for the General authorities wives.  After about five years they stopped performing themselves and made the script available for wards and stakes so they could put the program on for their own areas.  It has now been performed all over the world.

For our ward Relief Society birthday party (and since we have an in) we got them to perform again.  My friend Pat, who is in the group, was in charge of the production.  With the help of the original cast, she added members of our own ward, making it a larger ensemble.  Our ladies were fabulous!  Our homemaking committee did a great job with scenery, giving us all a book of mormon feel.

These women (in the book of mormon) were made to feel real, having the same heartbreak, worries, and humor that we have today as we worry about our children in the number "What's a mother to do?"  or asking as the three nephies wives did, "they should have asked us first!" 
I am always amazed, yet shouldn't be surprised that small ward productions everywhere put on such first rate shows such as these. 

The ladies in our ward loved the show.  We had about ninety people there!  Refreshments were sweet breads, cheeses, olives and grapes, in keeping with the times, served in baskets.  What a lovely night we were given and a tribute to women whether living now or then. 
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Well, you can't just tease me with that amount of information. Please tell me the name of the program and where I can get it! It looks wonderful!