Saturday, March 17, 2012

Graceful, Calm and Reassuring

Everyone is busy in today's world.  There is so much to be done.  I don't know anyone who is sitting around watching soaps and eating bon bons.

As I have grown older and my husband and I are on our own, with our children having their own families and lives, I seem to only get busier.  Yet I seek to not seem busy or tired.  I want to be calm and reassuring.  I want to be the kind of woman who has time for my family and friends.  To enjoy every minute with those that I love.  I want to step outside of my life and embrace those I come in contact with. 
I have a friend who does just that.  She makes each person she sees feel so loved, and as if she has all the time in the world for just that particular person.  She might have a million things to do, but you'd never know it.  She is never in a hurry,  Her calmness and sincerity brings a feeling of warmth and love to those she associates with.  I am striving to have more of these qualities.  Being interested and taking time with friends and family is just another way of being kind. 
Slowing down in this crazy world to enjoy my loved ones.  I can't think of anything more important than that.
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