Monday, November 26, 2012

Grama, You will just cry...

Today after I picked Jake up from school, he started singing a song he was learning for his Christmas Program. 
 He said, "Grama, you just have to come to my program!  It will be so will just cry!"  I said, "why will it make me cry, will I be sad?"  "Oh no," said Jake, " you will cry tears of happiness!" 
 Where does he come up with this stuff?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day

The table set ready for another  Thanksgiving.  So grateful for our family who joined us this year, for the delicious food prepared, for a beautiful day.  Grateful for, but missing those family members who weren't here.  Hoping their day was lovely as well.

After dinner, Grampa, Abby, Whitney and Jason taught Jake how to play chinese checkers on Jim's old set.  The set is almost 60 years old and it still has all its marbles!  (I can't say that about another almost 60 year old walking around in the same house.)

Wren, enjoying her first Thanksgiving looks content in her Dad's arms. 
 I am a blessed woman, surrounded by those I love, enjoying all that I have been given.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Another Blessing

Am so grateful Nick is home for Thanksgiving. 
 Love having him visit for a few days.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am Grateful for....

These people are looking entirely too comforatable!!!
So, they came and worked for me on Saturday.  Jim has been working for the past several weeks, taking down some cupboards in the kitchen.  The result looks like this...

Above the counter used to be cupboards.  Jim took those down which opened up our kitchen/dining area.  This made everything seem bigger and much lighter.  He worked hard patching the ceiling and repainting.  We are painting the dining area and putting a cupboard up over the buffet, but that will have to wait until after Christmas. 

Next, the big furniture switch! 
Tyler, Melanie and Dylan gave up their Saturday to help Jim and I move furniture throughout the house.  The livingroom has a different look as well as the family room.

Funny what moving a few pieces around can do to a room
 (not to mention the cleaning that gets done). 
Jim and Tyler both had some decorating tips for me. 
 Jim's was, "furniture should be builtin in a room, where it can't be moved." 
Tyler's advice was "modular..many small pieces make things easier to move." 
 I can't say how grateful I am for their willingness to help when asked.  To spend their time working on a project for me. 
 Now my home is ready for the holidays.
  I am blessed to have a husband and family members who are willing to serve.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Couldn't do it Without You

My heart is filled with gratitude for my husband who works so hard at his job, then comes home and works to make our home beautiful.  He is busy taking cabinets down in our kitchen, fixing the ceiling, painting, moving furniture, always without complaint.  Next week when we begin preparations for Thanksgiving dinner he will be there helping.  Peeling potatoes, preparing the turkey, setting the table, cleaning, cleaning up, generally being there to take orders from me!  As Jake says to me everyday..."Couldn't do it without you."  I couldn't do it without Jim,
 who quietly does it all. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day

From way back in the beginning...

I am grateful for those who had a vision and a dream of Freedom.
For those who battled to keep us together as a nation.
And through the years kept fighting to keep us free.
For these soldiers...
and these...

to those currently serving.

What a debt of gratitude I owe, as they serve me and my family.
They continue their watch to keep us safe.

Helping preserve this beautiful land.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snowy Saturday

This is what we woke up to-

Nice day to be bundled up in our nice warm house.

Happy Snowy Saturday!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Grateful for this Nation

After months of watching, reading and listening to the different political parties present their case, I am grateful the election is finally over.  I am somewhat disappointed by the outcome, but not as upset as many seem to be.  For I am an eternal optimist who loves this country. I know who is in charge, and because of that, I have faith that we will be taken care of.
  I love what The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints wrote today.
" We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.
After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together.  It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations.  We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times.  May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgement as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.
We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process, which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service,  We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors."
As I  travel through this beautiful country and read the words of our Founding Fathers I have come to appreciate this nation.  There have been many times through our history when there has been division among its people.  But we come through and become stronger and better. 
I just read Washington's Earnest Prayer.  It seems as applicable today as it might have been all those many years ago.
"I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field, and finally, that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all, to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humilty and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation."
George Washington

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Late Perennials in Bloom

What a beautiful November day!
I voted last Tuesday, so didn't have to fight crowds at the polls.  Instead  I spent this morning out doors working in my garden.  The last of the perennials are still in bloom, the lemon verbena and mint have persisted even though we've had frost.  I pruned bushes, cut down the vines that climb on my trellis's, and as hard as it was, cut the remaining perennials, preparing for snow, coming this weekend.  As I dug around in the dirt and trimmed my herbs, I could almost smell their scent. 

I was able to bring the last of my herbs into my kitchen to enjoy. 
 Autumn has been glorious this year. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

"In Some Other Life"

I have a board on pinterest called "In Some Other Life.." 
It's a collection of images and a way of daydreaming.

In "some other life", I would line all my shelves, bake lovely pies and have beautiful roses climbing a white picket fence.
 In some other life, I would...

have a garden room, hydrangeas,   and... have massages and manicures...and of course a bit of shopping !
I have another board entitled "The Real Me." 
 This is more about who I am, what I like and am happy with.  I am truly grateful for my home, my life, my circumstances..
(although that massage thing doesn't look so bad.) 

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, caretaker of three of those grandkids, my home is not large, but it's mine and I love it. 

"The real Me" needs shaking up every few years...I feel the need to spruce things up a bit.  Since I am not a part of that "some other life dream" I must improvise, which I am an expert at!  This week I am moving all the furniture in my house from one room to the next.  This will give each room a whole new look, plus a much needed deep cleaning..without buying any furniture. 
Jim is starting on a project in our kitchen.
 It's a small one, but will give us an open feel, which I am looking forward to. 
In "some other life", I would go out and buy new furniture, have someone paint the kitchen,
 I would be pampered and have lovely red cupboard lining.
In "the real me,"  I become creative and think of ways to improve my home without spending money.  I spend my days with little ones, enjoying their hugs, their joy and their laughter.  
 I like "the real me" more than the "some other lfe"
...except for that massage part.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Child's Prayer

"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson

As I listened to Jake say the prayer over lunch yesterday I was touched by his words.  He prayed for his mom and dad, Sam, Dylan, Gramas and Grampas, friends, Marta, Dan, Benji and Seth.  He thanked Heavenly Father for the grass and the flowers and the blue sky and the nice day.  He blessed his house, he actually went on for so long that Dylan and Sam were eating and making quite a bit of noice before Jake finally said..Amen.  Even though as he prayed it got a lot more confusing in the room, I'm sure that Jake was heard. 
Jake takes turning five seriously.  He tries hard to share and help, because now, he is grown up.  He remembers when he was little and sometimes wishes for those simple days when he could just play. If he forgets to be good, he is truly sorry.  
He is an example to me in taking the simple things seriously.  He helps me to realize that it does matter how I speak to others, that listening is important, that all the little mundane things I do each day, I should do with a flare.  I should smile more, and hug those I love more.  I should serve more.  As I watch Jake and my other little charges, I learn that they are not perfect, they are little, they are learning.  I am old, yet still learning to improve and enjoy life.  I can always do better.  Phyllis McGinley says, "the wonderful thing about saints is that they were human...they lost their tempers, got hungry, scolded God, were egotistical, or testy or impatient in their turns, made mistakes and regretted them.  Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven." 
I'm grateful for the example of Saints who are imperfect, yet continue to try.  I am grateful for a little boy's prayer who reminds me to appreciate and be happy with the simple things that this life offers, and inspires me to be a better person.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dylan's Growing Up

It's Dylan's second birthday today
He's growing up so fast. 
 He's now just one of...

the boys!

He loves playing with his cousin, Sam.

Loves to play with cars, trains, and shoot hoops.
Have a Happy Birthday Dylan. 
Love you tons. 
 Grama Polly