Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Child's Prayer

"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
~Alfred, Lord Tennyson

As I listened to Jake say the prayer over lunch yesterday I was touched by his words.  He prayed for his mom and dad, Sam, Dylan, Gramas and Grampas, friends, Marta, Dan, Benji and Seth.  He thanked Heavenly Father for the grass and the flowers and the blue sky and the nice day.  He blessed his house, he actually went on for so long that Dylan and Sam were eating and making quite a bit of noice before Jake finally said..Amen.  Even though as he prayed it got a lot more confusing in the room, I'm sure that Jake was heard. 
Jake takes turning five seriously.  He tries hard to share and help, because now, he is grown up.  He remembers when he was little and sometimes wishes for those simple days when he could just play. If he forgets to be good, he is truly sorry.  
He is an example to me in taking the simple things seriously.  He helps me to realize that it does matter how I speak to others, that listening is important, that all the little mundane things I do each day, I should do with a flare.  I should smile more, and hug those I love more.  I should serve more.  As I watch Jake and my other little charges, I learn that they are not perfect, they are little, they are learning.  I am old, yet still learning to improve and enjoy life.  I can always do better.  Phyllis McGinley says, "the wonderful thing about saints is that they were human...they lost their tempers, got hungry, scolded God, were egotistical, or testy or impatient in their turns, made mistakes and regretted them.  Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven." 
I'm grateful for the example of Saints who are imperfect, yet continue to try.  I am grateful for a little boy's prayer who reminds me to appreciate and be happy with the simple things that this life offers, and inspires me to be a better person.


Abby said...

Cute post - I'm glad he says his prayers with you!

marta said...

so sweet!! glad to be extra blessed by that darling boy!

p.s. i can smell the wassail in the air when i see your blog. it's so cozy!!

Billie Sue said...

What a beautiful little face and a wonderful story about a good little boy. Isn't it nice to be Granma?