Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am Grateful for....

These people are looking entirely too comforatable!!!
So, they came and worked for me on Saturday.  Jim has been working for the past several weeks, taking down some cupboards in the kitchen.  The result looks like this...

Above the counter used to be cupboards.  Jim took those down which opened up our kitchen/dining area.  This made everything seem bigger and much lighter.  He worked hard patching the ceiling and repainting.  We are painting the dining area and putting a cupboard up over the buffet, but that will have to wait until after Christmas. 

Next, the big furniture switch! 
Tyler, Melanie and Dylan gave up their Saturday to help Jim and I move furniture throughout the house.  The livingroom has a different look as well as the family room.

Funny what moving a few pieces around can do to a room
 (not to mention the cleaning that gets done). 
Jim and Tyler both had some decorating tips for me. 
 Jim's was, "furniture should be builtin in a room, where it can't be moved." 
Tyler's advice was "modular..many small pieces make things easier to move." 
 I can't say how grateful I am for their willingness to help when asked.  To spend their time working on a project for me. 
 Now my home is ready for the holidays.
  I am blessed to have a husband and family members who are willing to serve.

1 comment:

mama jo said...

wow! what a difference a few changes make...looks beautiful!