Monday, November 5, 2012

"In Some Other Life"

I have a board on pinterest called "In Some Other Life.." 
It's a collection of images and a way of daydreaming.

In "some other life", I would line all my shelves, bake lovely pies and have beautiful roses climbing a white picket fence.
 In some other life, I would...

have a garden room, hydrangeas,   and... have massages and manicures...and of course a bit of shopping !
I have another board entitled "The Real Me." 
 This is more about who I am, what I like and am happy with.  I am truly grateful for my home, my life, my circumstances..
(although that massage thing doesn't look so bad.) 

I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, caretaker of three of those grandkids, my home is not large, but it's mine and I love it. 

"The real Me" needs shaking up every few years...I feel the need to spruce things up a bit.  Since I am not a part of that "some other life dream" I must improvise, which I am an expert at!  This week I am moving all the furniture in my house from one room to the next.  This will give each room a whole new look, plus a much needed deep cleaning..without buying any furniture. 
Jim is starting on a project in our kitchen.
 It's a small one, but will give us an open feel, which I am looking forward to. 
In "some other life", I would go out and buy new furniture, have someone paint the kitchen,
 I would be pampered and have lovely red cupboard lining.
In "the real me,"  I become creative and think of ways to improve my home without spending money.  I spend my days with little ones, enjoying their hugs, their joy and their laughter.  
 I like "the real me" more than the "some other lfe"
...except for that massage part.

1 comment:

al + sar said...

I love the ideas for those 2 boards! And I love the idea of changing around your house too - I need to start doing that so I get the sense of change without spending money!