Monday, December 31, 2012

A few Regrets...These aren't among them.

Yesterday in church our neighbor gave a talk about regrets.  It was a fabulous talk.  He went through life stages and how we have small regrets in our early years, but maybe as we get older there are bigger regrets.  He ended his talk with a letter from a friend who has only a few weeks to live due to illness.  He listed his regrets, which basically had to do with loving more and spending time with those loved ones, expressing his love to them more often.  Of course we think of those things as we get close to the end of our life.  But they are such simple things..things that can be done each day, just a quick hug or an "I love you"  letting someone express their feelings freely..loving unconditionally.  I have so many regrets, but I thought I'd list a few of those things I don't regret this year. 

I don't regret surrounding myself with these guys, seeing their happy faces.
Their smiles bring joy to my life.

I don't regret seeing Jim smile.  Especially when he is with his grandkids.  That's when the joy comes out the most.  He's got a great smile.

I don't regret working in my garden.  I love planting those beautiful flowers and seeing them grow.  What a lovely season, barefeet on hot cement, sitting outdoors late into the evening, watching the sun set. Summer, my favorite time of year.

I don't regret travelling.  I always love seeing different places, experiencing different ways.  It makes me appreciate the beautiful world and also the beautiful spot I call home.

I don't regret spending time with family and friends.  These women are my support, They are who I turn to who and who turn to me.  I love them.  Girlfriends are the best. 

I certainly don't regret loving and being with "my girls."  We're outnumbered, but a strong force in the family.  Beautiful each one with different and individual strengths.   How grateful I am to be apart of these girls lives. 
I have many regrets.  Things I wish I would have done better..things I wish I wouldn't have done at all.  But, spending time with loved ones,  spending time out in the beautiful world,  these things I only regret not doing more of.  So very grateful for these simple, yet most important blessings in my life.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas - a day for remembering

What a beautiful day. Lovely snow. 
 Happy children.  Gifts from the heart. 
My photo album helps me to remember each precious moment of the season.
Nothing better than having everyone together..sharing the little one's joy. 
Seeing Wren on her first Christmas, eating Jim's omelets. 
Face-timing with the PA gang as we opened their gifts! 
 (love technology)..
 just being together.
"Christmas - That magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance.  It may weave a spell of nostalgia.  Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance - a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved."

~Augusta E. Rundel

I hope your Christmas was as joyous as mine was.

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Gathering of Loved Ones

Just another group of my most precious loved ones.  A gathering last night for some of Aunt Polly's homemade chicken noodle soup, aunt Julie's pretzel jello, and other delights brought in by our gang!  Almost fifty crammed into our home.  And of course the original "name game" group stayed and played after everyone left. 

As I post these different pictures during this Christmas Season, each one could be our Christmas Card, for all these people are so dear to me. 
My family of course. 
Then the extended, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, who, I love so dearly and love seeing each one, and of course our dear neighbors and friends. 
What would I do without all these wonderful people in my life? 
 I am truly blessed. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Bells are Ringing!

Early Saturday morning before Christmas the Choir always practices. 
Just to make sure we remember our songs for Church the next day.

It is so nice just to go and see my friends, who love music, love one another and love singing praises to our Savior. 

There's always something to laugh at, or some song that makes everybody cry...
 (either from the message or how badly we sing it!)

We have so many talented people. Several who play the flute, soloists.
 A bell choir, and Pat, who has kept the music in our ward alive for over thirty five years.
 She's amazing.

We hope the angels will sing with us tomorrow. 
 (They have on many occasions, you know.) 

Merry Christmas

Lovely Reminder

After a busy day with the little ones, it is nice to come home to my quiet house.  Tonight I was able to curl up with my little Wren while Whit and Jason went out for dinner.  She nestled so close and if I even tried to move, even an inch, she moved closer.  There is nothing like a sleeping baby to make you stop all the busyness that can come with the season.  Just forget all that needs to be done and feel their little arms and tiny hands.  What a lovely reminder of why and who we are celebrating. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Taylor's Birthday

Can't believe our oldest grandson turns sixteen years today! Time flies when you're having fun.  We've certainly had fun watching Taylor grow.  He's the leader of the gang of boys in our family, as well as our little bird!  And what a wonderful leader he is!

He watches over all the kids, shows them patiently how to do things.  He's got a great smile, straight A student, creative mind and loves sports!  I've loved watching him grow and become the young man that he is!

Happy Birthday Taylor!  Love you tons.  Can't wait to see what this year brings!  Can't wait to come and see you and have you take me for a ride with you at the wheel!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Simple Christmas Blessings

Last Saturday was our second annual cousins Christmas party! What a fun event, hosted by the second generation, with the mom's just invited to watch.  Yoga, with Whit as our instructor, delicious food and gifts for everyone.  The best party of the season spent with my favorite girls.

Nothing more beautiful than falling snow during the Christmas Season. 
Nothing nicer than neighbors who plow our sidewalks and driveway while Jim wasn't feeling well.  What a lovely place to live.

Jake's preschool program was the best.  He knew all the songs and so did Sam, as he sang along from his seat in the audience. 
So grateful to be so close to family and friends who are so caring and full of love. 
My daughters are presenting me with the 12 days of Christmas. 
 Every few days I recieve some lovely gift from them. 
They are so thoughtful and are truly spoiling me. 
 What a truly joyous time of year.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Memories

After this last week, I've been remembering Christmas's past.  About the second week of December my mother started decking the halls of our home.  Everything was beautiful, warm and welcoming.  My dad's day off was Thursday, and usually on the second Thursday of December I came down with some illness or another, knowing he would be home and usually spend part of the day shopping for my mother.   If I suddenly felt well enough he would take me with him.  I loved going shopping with him for mom. 
 He spoiled her so.

Classy outfits and coats were always on his list.  He loved to see her in red or orange.  I loved a particular store where there were models who were the size of the person being bought for.  They came out wearing this outfit or that, until the perfect one was decided upon.

Many years there was lovely jewelry or a luggage set. 
And always Estee Lauder. 
 Makeup and Fragrance gift baskets were also under the tree. 
When we girls were older we usually got a perfume or something special picked out especially for us by dad. 

With all these seemingly material gifts given, the thing I remember most is the love felt in our home.  My Mom and Dad loved each other and showed us, their children. They cared for us, loved us, made us feel secure and happy.  I am so blessed to have grown up in these circumstances and only hope to pass that great love on to my children and grandchildren.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

He Taught Me...

With all that has been going on, I didn't get a chance to post on Nick's birthday. December 9th was the day.  So a happy belated birthday to Nick.  Nick is in Colorado teaching at the Air Force Academy.  He loves his job there. I would love to watch him in action one day because (of course) I am sure he is a fabulous teacher.  I, in fact, know he is, because he has taught me throughout  his entire life.  He has taught me how to have a sense of humor in the face of trial, how to be brave.  He has taught me about compassion and how to perservere.  He is the favorite uncle, though not living by his nephews, they all know his name, when they are very young, because he makes such an impact on them when they are together. (I'm sure it will be the same for Wren!) He loves to sit and tell the little ones stories that he makes up on the spot.  They sit on his lap mesmerized as he carries them away on adventures in faraway lands or galaxies. 
How grateful I am for such a good son.
 Hope you had a great day and a year with only good things in your life
love, mom

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Legacy of Love

With the passing of my Aunt Marie, I have had the opportunity to spend time with many relatives these past few days.  It has been nothing but a delight to have these loved ones in our home.  We have been laughing, sharing memories and becoming reacquainted.  Even though we go years without seeing one another, the family bond is strong and we take up as if it was yesterday, and the Low's and the Bagley's were coming to Grama's for their annual visit. 

As we gathered together to plan Marie's funeral, How grateful we all were that Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Mel took their places as our faithful leaders.  How we love them and are grateful they are with us.  They are reminders of a gentler more secure time, when we were young.  They, along with our parents, grandparents and Aunt Marie gave us a magical childhood.  The love of music that was instilled in us all was apparant as we prepared to sing for Marie's funeral.  "Marie's Choir" came through and I know she was there, leading us as she used to in one final family sing-a-long.

My cousin George played the bagpipes at the cemetery.  What a beautiful final touch.  How we appreciate him and this tribute for Marie.
And now, as we all go to our various homes, lives, children and grandchildren, I hope we can continue the great legacy of love that has been given to us.  That we teach our little ones the music, teach them of their great heritage,
 and most of all cherish one another. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Marie Bagley

My Aunt Marie passed away yesterday leaving a legacy of music, love, laughter and joy.  She was my dad's sister, growing up during the depression and World War II.  Never having children of her own, my sisters, brother and all our cousins became her children.  She knew us all well, because she was interested in all our lives and loved us all so much.  I became close to Marie through our shared love of music.  Marie had a beautiful contralto voice.  She sang in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for over twenty years.  When I was twelve, she became my singing teacher.  Each week I would go to her home, where she shared her knowledge and love of music with me.  This went on until I turned sixteen, when she passed me on to another teacher.  The knowledge of music given to me has served me well throughout my life, but the love and passion she felt for music was her most precious gift to me.  That is something I will always be grateful to her for.  The other night, when she could not speak, I sang a few of our old songs.  She actually joined in and harmonized as well.  I was swept away to my grandparents backyard.  It was a summer evening, years ago..the family was gathered,  we were all singing under the stars, Marie's lovely voice, laughter, love....  
because God made you, that's why I love you. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sam's Birthday

It's our Sam's third birthday today!
 I could post pictures of him a mile long.  He has so many expressions that show how he feels about life.  I love spending my days with him.  He's determined (like his mother)and smart (like his father).  As Sam says, "I'm sooo nice and sooo good, and soooo cute!"  As grama says," you're soooo cuddly, soooooo sweet and sooooo much fun." 
 Have a Happy Birthday my sweet boy.
love, grama polly 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"The Heart of Christmas which is Love..."

Yesterday it was my Grandmother's birthday.  Our family (cousins, aunts, uncles) celebrated, as we usually do, getting together at Christmas time, because of this woman.  She taught us the meaning of family, of Christmas and of love.  She was just a little woman, simple in her needs, but so powerful in her example and her legacy. 

She lived into her nineties, always with a sweet smile, and such a funny sense of humor.  Little notes left to illustrate that wit.  She was never too busy for a visit, to write a letter to a granddaughter, to tell a story or two. 

My grandparents and my parents taught me by example that family was something to be cherished. Not just at Christmas, but all year.  Their time was given freely regardless of what was going on. And at Christmas, magic was in the air, and the love felt was as if a warm quilt had been wrapped around us. 
How grateful I am to have the opportunity to be around little ones.  To feel their little arms around my neck.  Whenever I want during our days, I ask, and am given "loves".  They are as much for me as for these precious children.  The world is so fast today.  It is more important than ever to stop and remember the love given and then pass it on.
"May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love."
~Ada V. Hendricks