Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Things I thought I'd never do...again

Recently Abby signed Jake up for a little tumbling class and because I'm nana, the nanny I take him on Friday mornings. He liked it! The little "birdies" or "chicks" or whatever they are called get to run and climb on the balance beam and hang on the rings and climb on the stairs. Then it came time to show the little ones how to do a somersault! I watched in horror as the other mothers (they all looked like they were about 18) ran and did theirs with no effort at all. I looked a little hesitant (!!???!) and the teacher came over and said she would spot me (!!!??) (she didn't say I didn't have to do it)! so I bravely (I didn't want Jake to be embarrassed) ran.... and, did my somersault!!!! everyone clapped and cheered (really) I was thrilled! I'm sure I've found a new sport to embrace in my life. (are there cute clothes involved)?
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mama jo said...

i'm very impressed and hopefully jake is also...

Travelin'Oma said...

Wow! I can't think of anything else. Wow!

Momma Fish said...

I took Warren to that class one time before I realized he is like Marley from Marley and Me. He was all over the place and would have nothing to do with the group. He is a different kind of kid!!! Now I am REALLY glad we didn't sign up because if I would have had to do a somersault I would have died!!

al + sar said...

haha! im impressed as well! i dont even think i could do that!