Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spiritual Glasses

Today I taught the kids in Primary. It's lovely to go back and teach
the little ones. I love that you are their instant friend. I received pictures
and hugs during church from one sweet new friend. The best part was
Sharing Time. Sometimes one simple thought teaches more than our
more complicated grown up lessons. The principal taught was, how do
we look at others? And, we should put on our spiritual glasses, or look
at them as Heavenly Father would. There were several instances given
to the children and then they put on the spiritual glasses and asked how
would God look at the person or circumstance? Of course in Primary all
questions were answered to perfection and everyone lived happily ever
after. But it made me really think about how I look at people. Do I really
love everyone the way I should? Because everyone is a child of God. He
loves everyone the same, no matter what any of us are doing whether it
is good or bad or inbetween. It is my job to learn to love like that. because,
I might just be the one who is bad or inbetween. It is not
my job to wonder why someone is doing something I don't agree with, it is not
my job to question someone's motives, looks, manner, whatever. It is my
job to love unconditionally, to see the good in others and try to make
those I come in contact with feel good about themselves, to feel loved. I'm glad
I went to primary today, I learned alot!

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

I need a Vacation

I need a change of scenery. Possibly a little Italy?

Maybe a visit to the queen?

A trip to Paris wouldn't hurt-

And I am sure the lovely, sandy beaches of Hawaii
are calling my name.

January always seems like a good time to get away.
Not happening this year. No moving furniture around.
No vacation. Just the dreary January blahs. I guess
I'll change my blog background yet another time.
Maybe February will perk me up and I'll find something
better to do with my spare time!

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift
us to our feet when our wings are having trouble
remembering how to fly".
-author unknown

Saturday, January 23, 2010

moving furniture

(photo from tradional home magazine)

Usually at this time of year I am anxious, and
wanting to move my furniture around. Do I want
it this way or that. I know it sounds a little insane,
but I've found ways to justify the insanity.

(photo from tradional home magazine)
Not only does it force me to clean
well in all those places I never get to.
Moving furniture can give a room
a whole new look. I've even
switched furniture into different rooms!
Well, since having several back surgeries
I can't move furniture anymore.
Jim thinks things are fine the way they are.
Nick, who was willing to help, moved away.
(probably so he would never have to move
furniture again).
So I am forced to move furniture in my mind.
And now I must do it on my blog.
So I guess my background and header
will change whenever I feel the need to
rearrange a room, and my house will
stay the same.
I guess my house won't get that great
cleaning it used to, but my blogworld
will remain spotless!!!
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Friday, January 22, 2010

While the little one's sleep

My two little charges are asleep right now.
How quiet it is- yet as nice as the quiet is,
the noise is better! Jake's voice always asking
questions or putting his little hand up to his
face and saying "I know" or "that's interesting".
I told him a bit ago it was nap time and he said,
in a very polite voice, "no thank you." Sam is growing
before my eyes. He is now interested in the mobile
above his head, loves to be rocked and sung to. What
precious little ones they are. I am grateful to be
a part of their lives.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

An ounce or two of Heaven

I Should like to buy a perfume,
Nothing fancy, something plain-
I had in mind the scent
Of city street washed clean with rain;
Or, possibly, the fragrance
Of a baby freshly tubbed;
or the spicy, heady odor
Of green mint leaves crushed and rubbed;
Do you have that grand aroma
Found in fresh-baked home-made bread?
Or the luxury-laden fragrance
Of clean sheets upon a bed?
How about the smell of bacon,
Crisp and brown and sizzling good?
Or the dreamy, smoky odor
Of a fire in the wood?
Perhaps you have the crispy
Smell of autumn in the air,
Or that more seductive fragrance
Of a spring day, soft and rare-
I should like to buy a perfume,
Any simple scent will do-
Just an ounce or two of Heaven
Made up in an earthly brew.

Helen Lowrie Marshall

I found this lovely poem in an old book

mom gave grama Lundgren. I like this one particularly, because

I can't smell anymore, but I love to remember what things smell like and the feelings those

scents evoke.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Home Improvements

For Christmas Jim gave me a home improvement.
I decided to go with some new light fixtures,
and replacing the knobs on our cabinets.
Everything was brass, so I felt we needed
a little updating. Here's the lovely light over the dining room table.
I love it!

New knobs on these cabinets make all the difference.

A new ceiling fan in the family room.
Thanks Jim!

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some interesting questions

I found some questions that I thought were kind of
fun. Here are my answers. I'd be interested
to hear yours.
1. What defines beauty for you?
Beauty for me is defined by creativity, someone's smile as they start out their new life,
a young mother with her small kids, happily married people of any age! Anyone happy, or
peaceful, wise or kind seems beautiful to me.

2. What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about my family. I love to read and write. I love gardening and being outside and I love to travel to different places and meet different people.

3. What is the one beauty product you can't live without?

I love Serious Skincare products. But if I could only have one

beauty product it would be vaseline.

4. How do you feel about aging?

Aging doesn't bother me, as long as I can stay healthy.

I have had poor health and it is not fun. I love to be around old people,

I think they are so wise and can be so much fun. I would love to be a sweet

old lady like my grama Lundgren.

5. What is your greatest extravagance?

I'm not too extravagant lately- but if I could be I'd

love a massage, or a shopping spree, or....I could think of

tons of things.

6. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Peaceful living, with everyone in my life happy and healthy.

A walk on the beach, surrounded by lovely flowers.

7. What is your most marked characteritic's?

I don't know, I really can't answer this one.

8. What is the trait you most admire in others?

Kindness, creativity, generosity, unselfishness, humor.

9. What is your biggest beauty disaster?

Whenever I cut my hair myself.

10. How would you describe yourself?

I try to think of others, outgoing, friendly, interested in others. I like other people and have lots of friends. I enjoy learning new things.

11. What are your vices?

Not many- I drink lots of diet coke. I like to shop. can't think of anything else.

12. When do you feel most beautiful?

When I'm happy, healthy (10 pounds lighter than I am now) my skin is clear and if I have a good hair day. (I'm shallow, I know)

13. What do you most value in your friends?

That they are loyal and kind. They are fun and that we can laugh in the most

trying of circumstances. They always understand and are not judgemental.

14. If money were no object, what would be your beauty routine?
A facial and a massage at least twice a week.
I think I'd still use Serious Skin care!
I'd probably have someone other than me color my hair.
And I'd probably get permanant eyeliner and lipcolor.
Well that's it for me- I'd love to hear from you.
this was fun.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A letter from my mom

Once in awhile I need a little lift. I was cleaning
the other day, and found a beautiful letter
from my mom. She wrote it two days before I got married. It was just what I needed.
I'm not sharing the whole thing, but some of
it, because while being so personal and helpful
to me, it struck a univeral note.
How all mothers feel about their
children, whether they are young or old.
Even though my mom has been gone for
twelve years, it was nice to get a letter
from her just yesterday.

She ends here. How I miss her, but how grateful I am to
have found this and be reminded of that great love
that endures forever.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

catching up

We had a fun New Years Eve party over at Abby and Mike's house.
Uncle Nick got Jake away from Whitney just long enough to see the

new train Santa brought for Christmas.

But then of course it was back to Whit,
because everyone knows, she's his favorite!

Jake cheered everyone on, while we played tennis
on the Wii. (He's playing with a fork) I can't remember who
won? Was it Nick, Tyler or Jason???

Today the kids went to lunch. Dee invited and took
us to the Judge building cafe! It was great getting together.
Especially down in the old stomping grounds where we
were all trained in the ways of life by our dad. We remembered
how life was when we worked at "17 Exchange Place" with
the little alley that led us to the wonders of Auerbach and the Paris!
Those were the days.

I was thinking how much fun we had over the holidays with
our kids and grandkids. Doing things together and making memories.
Then going to lunch with my brothers and sisters and having
such a great time remembering fun times we've had
together. Family is a big circle that never ends. Our lives
are intertwined, we care about the same things and the same people, we share joys and sorrows. I am so grateful I am part of this particular circle.

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Friday, January 1, 2010

I've always had a great imagination!

I decided to go out shopping today- got all dressed up,
first on the list -get a facial,
hair done and a makeover!

Took off from the salon to some of my favorite stores!
April Cornell and Anthropolgie!
Found the cutest things there.

Went to Nordstrom next- hum,
I just can't decide which of these
winter white coats I want, and I love these
Toms, maybe I'll just have to have both
the red and the silver. Oh well....

So tired after all the shopping, I can't even get the spelling
on my pictures right (excuse me, too sleepy to go back
and correct). Just look at all my lovely things, and I
have had a wonderful day-

(In reality I haven't even
left my house. It was really fun and I didn't spend
a dime)! Oh, there's Jim calling-he's wondering what
I've been doing--

don't tell!

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