Friday, January 22, 2010

While the little one's sleep

My two little charges are asleep right now.
How quiet it is- yet as nice as the quiet is,
the noise is better! Jake's voice always asking
questions or putting his little hand up to his
face and saying "I know" or "that's interesting".
I told him a bit ago it was nap time and he said,
in a very polite voice, "no thank you." Sam is growing
before my eyes. He is now interested in the mobile
above his head, loves to be rocked and sung to. What
precious little ones they are. I am grateful to be
a part of their lives.


Abby said...

Did you change your blog again? It looks good. I'm glad you're apart of their lives too!

Travelin'Oma said...

It's neat that you're recording the dailiness of these little boy's lives. Jake says the cutest things.