Sunday, January 17, 2010

An ounce or two of Heaven

I Should like to buy a perfume,
Nothing fancy, something plain-
I had in mind the scent
Of city street washed clean with rain;
Or, possibly, the fragrance
Of a baby freshly tubbed;
or the spicy, heady odor
Of green mint leaves crushed and rubbed;
Do you have that grand aroma
Found in fresh-baked home-made bread?
Or the luxury-laden fragrance
Of clean sheets upon a bed?
How about the smell of bacon,
Crisp and brown and sizzling good?
Or the dreamy, smoky odor
Of a fire in the wood?
Perhaps you have the crispy
Smell of autumn in the air,
Or that more seductive fragrance
Of a spring day, soft and rare-
I should like to buy a perfume,
Any simple scent will do-
Just an ounce or two of Heaven
Made up in an earthly brew.

Helen Lowrie Marshall

I found this lovely poem in an old book

mom gave grama Lundgren. I like this one particularly, because

I can't smell anymore, but I love to remember what things smell like and the feelings those

scents evoke.

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Travelin'Oma said...

This person has lots to say about Chinese perfume. I'm sure I'd love it. I love perfume of any kind.

Your blog is so pretty. It looks just like you.

mama jo said...

funny, marty...i am with you on the 'smelling' thing...hopefully our memories will stay with us...