Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spiritual Glasses

Today I taught the kids in Primary. It's lovely to go back and teach
the little ones. I love that you are their instant friend. I received pictures
and hugs during church from one sweet new friend. The best part was
Sharing Time. Sometimes one simple thought teaches more than our
more complicated grown up lessons. The principal taught was, how do
we look at others? And, we should put on our spiritual glasses, or look
at them as Heavenly Father would. There were several instances given
to the children and then they put on the spiritual glasses and asked how
would God look at the person or circumstance? Of course in Primary all
questions were answered to perfection and everyone lived happily ever
after. But it made me really think about how I look at people. Do I really
love everyone the way I should? Because everyone is a child of God. He
loves everyone the same, no matter what any of us are doing whether it
is good or bad or inbetween. It is my job to learn to love like that. because,
I might just be the one who is bad or inbetween. It is not
my job to wonder why someone is doing something I don't agree with, it is not
my job to question someone's motives, looks, manner, whatever. It is my
job to love unconditionally, to see the good in others and try to make
those I come in contact with feel good about themselves, to feel loved. I'm glad
I went to primary today, I learned alot!

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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

Thanks for sharing sharing time. What a simple and profound truth.