Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Friends

Kent and Betty invited us to go up to their cabin. They are the best at getting people together for a fun time. Never a lot of fuss, just everybody bring something and head on up to the mountains. They open their home, their cabin and their hearts to anybody willing to bring a little food and lots of laughter.

As we walked you could hear chatter and laughing from across the lake. We had people ask if we were a reunion or on some kind of retreat. "No, just neighbors," we would answer. Neighbors who love being together. Although spending just a few hours with this group is like going on a retreat.

Spending time with loved ones, laughing, enjoying the beauties of nature is good for the soul.

Thanks to Kent for always having a bright smile and a "Hi Neighbor."

No matter what hits him he stays upbeat and happy, an example to all of us who are blessed to have him as our friend.

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Travelin'Oma said...

You look like a happy group!

al + sar said...

How fun! Living in my own neighborhood now I realize the importance of good neighbors. I hope we turn out just like you and your neighbors!