Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Being Home

I've been a little down this past week. Illness does that to me. We had a scare with Tyler's health, and I've come down with a flu bug that I can't shake. I guess bad health scares me, because you can't do much about it, but wait it out and pray for the best outcome. So I get down. I forget to think of my wonderful blessings. One of which is, Tyler is doing better and will hopefully be home from the hospital in a few days.
I have been home in bed and looking around, so very grateful for my surroundings. Nothing brings me more comfort than my beautiful home. I do not live in a large home. It is actually quite small. Not very grand. But full of warmth and memories of my family and friends. I can count the pieces of furniture on one hand that Jim and I have bought. Most of what we have is hand me downs or shall I say "antiques" from past generations?!? I say they just add to the charm and to my memories. My dining table is my mothers. I think of her when I walk by it. I see my grama whenever I look at her portrait which hangs in my living room.

As I look at these pictures and reflect upon the seasons that have past I remember good times. My "upper garden". I poured the cement myself the summer after mom died, so I could have a quiet spot to read and reflect. Jim planting the garden with Jake this summer.
Family parties in the backyard, Nick home, fireworks, celebrating our country's birth under our beautiful mountain.
Enjoying the fall colors and welcoming a new one into the family.
Getting ready for those snowy days that always come to our part of the country. The driving can be messy, but when you are inside looking out with a warm hot chocolate, oh, it's lovely.

These things I am grateful for. There are always trials and bumps in the road. But the days and the seasons come and go and I am grateful for my home that shelters me and gives me peace and comfort from the storms.

Peace - that was the other name for home.
Kathleen Norris
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