Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reflecting on my blessings

As I start this month I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Of course it didn't hurt to have a new little grandson born the very first day. It didn't hurt that after a weekend of bad weather, we were blessed with gorgeous crisp air. Blue skies, cool temperatures, leaves falling~ lovely. I love November. The red and gold colors, the feelings of gratitude that the holiday brings on, the gathering of family for dinner on that special Thursday. I love to set my table with my mom's china and remember holidays past and hopes for the future. I love to count my blessings. I have been thinking lately how I grow in my love for others by serving them. As Ty and Melanie will learn from their little boy, they will love him so completely because they are serving him so selflessly. The last few months I have been blessed to serve in both Relief Society and Primary. My blessings have been doubled. I am growing to love the women in my neighborhood more and more each day as I see the acts of service that go on around me. I have written before, but I will say it again, I have never seen such caring unselfish women. I know, because while I was sick I was served by them. They just continue to find the need and step in and help wherever needed. Nothing big or overblown, just quiet and sweet and yet collectively the service is monumental, especially to the one in need.
The other area where I am being blessed is in the Primary where the love I feel for these little ones continues to grow. Each child is so sweet with his or her own unique personality, wanting to be heard and loved. They are heard and loved ~ they make sure of it!! I don't know if it is because I am tending my two little grandsons at this time, but I am identifying with the tiny ones. The nursury and sunbeam age. I just want to scoop them all up and hold them. They are so innocent. Full of promise...and mischief...and love. What a gift to be associated with these little children, so recently from their Heavenly Father. His light is still with them.
I may have a few extra jobs these days, but I certainly am receiving blessings.
I am grateful for the love I receive each day from these lovely sisters and children.
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