Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day- Never Forget

This morning Jim left for work really early. About 20 minutes later I heard him come back and wondered what he forgot. He came in, looked at the calendar and said it was Veteran's Day. He had forgotten to put the Flag out. I'm glad he came back. We should never forget our soldiers. The ones who are out there now and the one's who have been out there in the past. They should always be honored and never be forgotten. For what they give up for our freedom. For this beautiful country. So I can live safely under this beautiful mountain. So I can enjoy my life. How unselfish those men and women are that are over there right now.
 For me.

Whenever I think of my grandparents, I am in awe at their strength and courage. Just before World War II, they lost a beloved son to a heart ailment. He was their oldest. He was 18 years old. Not long after the war began and they watched as their next two sons enlisted and went off for the next four years. There was no internet or phoning them. They had to wait months for letters. I can't imagine having lost one son and then sending two sons off to war! But they lived through it and were blessed to have those sons return.
Many were not so blessed.
My mom met dad just as he was ready to leave. Their romance was through letters. I've received letters from both of them and they are great letter writers! So their romance was off to a great start. So happy mom waited for dad!
Can you imagine being away in foreign countries for all those years? Away from everything and everybody you loved? These guys were so young. It's hard to imagine Dad being that young. He looks like my nephew Benji when we used to all work together.
Years later my little sister and I went with mom and dad to Washington DC. We toured around and saw all the usual sights. My dad never showed emotion much. But when we got to this monument I remember him having tears roll down his cheeks. He was embarrassed. I don't think at the time I realized how this would have struck him. But he was actually apart of this fight. He had friends who didn't come home. He gave years of his life for the freedoms that we enjoy today. He never forgot. I am grateful and will always be mindful of those who have served and continue to serve us. Thank you for the beautiful day I am having. I will never forget.


mama jo said...

that was beautiful...thanks

Travelin'Oma said...

This is a good reminder of a great blessing.

Tom and Julie said...

Thank you, Polly, for remembering. I miss them both so much...