Sunday, January 9, 2011


This is a quote from my sidebar. I love it. Yesterday was a good day. Not for any reason in particular. Just because. The day started early. I went and visited a little primary friend about his upcoming baptism. Came home cleaned the house. I had been thinking about changing the look of my family room. I switched a few quilts that were in the room and some pillows, painted two tables and got a new room for the price of the paint! Fixed dinner, tended the little boys for a bit, came home and watched the snow fall for awhile, and went to bed. The reason that I loved the day, was that I remember, not too long ago when I would not have been able to be so active, I would not have been watching those sweet babies. Was not well enough to worry about the look of my family room. I am so very grateful for good health, for friends and family. For the snow...What a happy woman I am.
"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace~"
Isaiah 55:12
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