Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Positive Attitude and Faith - My Dad

January 18th - Happy Birthday Dad. 
 Dad believed in and taught two powerful lessons to me.  To have faith and the "power of positive thinking".  I am grateful for these traits that he passed on to me.   Dad always felt that if you had faith and thought positive thoughts you could pretty much have control over how things went in your life. Maybe in his case it was so. 
 I have learned that faith is to believe so profoundly that you know someone else (like God) is in control and that I have to lean on Him when things don't go exactly as I planned.  And when things happen, like poor health or other things out of my control, it is best to have a positive attitude to cope as you go through these trials.  Trials come to everyone here on earth. The test is what we learn and how we go forward.  Do we let ourselves become bitter and sad or do we learn valuable lessons and become a more loving, compassionate person?  As I live and get older and endure different trials and life lessons, sometimes I can become down and wonder why I happen to be going through this or that? I catch myself getting a little sad and sometimes feeling a bit sorry for myself.  Is it because of my lack of faith?  Do I not use those valuable positive thinking lessons I was taught as a child?  Then I pick myself up, and realize how blessed I am.  What a blessing to grow up in a home where I was taught, so I would be prepared for things to come.  How grateful for those dinners and discussions afterward where dad taught us.  For his example, his perseverance and determination.  He would literally set his jaw in such a way, that would say I will do this, and he did.  Faith, determination, positive thinking, humor - these are things dad lived.  He gave me his time and made me feel valued as well, which is a great gift. 
 On what would have been his 89th birthday I thank him for these gifts, they have served me well.  
Love, polly

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

What a beautiful post! I love the descriptions you have used to draw a picture of your Dad. I can visual you sitting at the table with him and him setting his jaw in a certain way. Beautiful...thanks for sharing!