Wednesday, March 30, 2011


 Today was a BIG day!  The Three little boys were all together again after almost a month.  Jake has been asking everyday when his "little guy" is coming back.  Dylan has become an important part of this group.  His absence is felt.  Jake loves to help with him,  and even though Sam is a bit jealous, he got a huge smile on his face today when "Dylsie Wylsie" appeared. 
I wonder what these three will be like as they grow?  If I continue taking care they'll become close, spending so much time together.  They are close in age.  They'll grow up (I hope) playing, caring, and having fun with each other.  Oh, the "abentures" they'll have.
 Jake is already having daily "abentures".  Sam is just starting to join the fun.  And I can only imagine what else will be thought up when three great minds get together.
Those warm summer days when there is nothing more serious to do than swing on that old tire or lay on the cool grass and plan all that stuff you can do when you grow up.

And then there's little league!  All those practices, summer evenings playing games, playing catch together.  There's nothing better than baseball.  Just ask those four other big boys back east. 

Maybe a little fishing with Grampa and the Dad's at Fish Lake.  What can be more fun?

I can just see these guys growing from little boys into grown boys.  Hanging out, supporting, laughing, doing all the fun things boys do.  I hope I am able to continue to watch these delightful grandson's.  Nothing brings me greater joy.

 And I hope they grow, and share their dreams with one another, but most of all I hope they stay the best of friends.  There is nothing better.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


 Today's Sunday.  So of course off we go to primary.  I was in charge of Sharing Time. Jim was teaching his class.  Jake got a new set of scriptures, because we are studying the scriptures this year and everyone is encouraged to bring their own.  I love these little kids in primary.  It's different being there than in years past.  Nothing bothers me, everything they do and say is cute.  Me, not so much.  I just can't remember things like I used to, so I'll be staring at a child I've known since birth and call them some strange name or I'll be talking about President Monson and I can't remember his name or the story I was telling.  The kids all look at me like I'm nuts, and I'm inclined to agree.  Today Jake looked at me during the opening part of primary and said, quite loudly, "Grama, just what's going on here?" 
I wonder myself occasionally.

As part of Sharing time I was talking about how the Prophet has asked us to be prepared.  I showed some pictures that were simple, like praying, going to church, reading scriptures.They were suppose to tell me what was going on in the pictures.  I showed the picture above and a little child answered "playing in the sand."  I said (in a very kind voice) "no, guess again."  He immediately started crying, he was so upset he didn't get the answer right.  The correct answer was 'planting a garden'.  Silly me - I should have just let him think the prophet wants us to play in the sand, which he probably does. 
See I'm just to old for this stuff.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I read an article today by President Dieter Uchtdorf.  In his talked he asked, "Have you ever been in an airplane and experienced turbulence?  The most common cause of turbulence is a sudden change in air movement causing the aircraft to pitch, yaw, and roll.  While planes are built to withstand far greater turbulence than anthing you would encounter on a regular flight, it still may be disconcerting to passengers. 
What do you suppose pilots do when they encounter turbulence?  A student pilot may think that increasing speed is a good strategy because it will get them through the turbulence faster.  But that may be the wrong thing to do.  Professional pilots understand that there is an optimum turbulence penetration speed that will minimize the negative effects of turbulence.  And most of the time that would mean to reduce your speed."  He continues on saying, " This is a simple but critical lesson to learn.  It may seem logical when put in terms of turbulence, but it's surprising how easy it is to ignore this lesson when it comes to applying these principles in our own daily lives....The wise understand and apply the lessons of air turblence.  They resist the temptation to get caught up in the frantic rush of everyday life.  They follow the advice - There is more to life than increasing its speed.  In short, they focus on the things that matter most."

I loved this advice.  Focusing time on things that matter most.  Sometimes pressures and "turbulence" make us pick up the pace and miss out on what is important and we forget to enjoy the beauties all around to us.

Another article read today, by Ann Cannon in the Tribune, reminded me of this.  She was comparing Jimmer Fredette to a baseball player she used to love to watch play.  His name was Kirby Puckett.  She writes, "Kirby Puckett played with a smile on his face.  He caught fly balls, smiling.  He hit home runs, smiling.  He rounded the bases, smiling.  He was like hey, Ma!  Did you see that?  Did you see how I just parked the ball over the center fielder's head?  Isn't baseball great? Isn't life grand?"

He spent his time enjoying what he did. A good habit to cultivate.  Enjoying time at work, playing with our friends.  Appreciating and being grateful for the good things.  Take time to look outside, even with our gray skies and rainy weather I'm noticing some purple flowers just outside my window. 
" Spring is on its way, I think smiling to myself."
Isn't life grand?

Monday, March 21, 2011


On March 22 - 38 years ago our first son was born.  How exciting to start our new family with a brown eyed baby that looked just like his dad.  He grew up loving alot of the same things.  He loves sports, building and making his home beautiful, working hard.

He especially loves his family and spending time with them. They work hard together, play and vacation together, and just have fun together.  He has worked hard, has a lovely home and enjoys being there with Becky and the boys.
 What fun he has with these four boys.  Of course they are involved in any sport they want to.  But baseball is where they all excel.  Sometimes if I look at a picture of these guys, I see James as he was growing up. He loved baseball and has passed that love onto his boys, coaching them, working in their league, helping them be the best they can be.  They are lucky to have such a great dad.

James has succeeded in many things.  He works hard to have a nice life for his family. But his great success is his family.  He is a wonderful son who has been with me since I first started my journey as a mother.  How grateful I am for him. 

Happy Birthday James. 
 Love, mom

Saturday, March 19, 2011


 It's been a week since we heard the unbeiveable news that this great man passed away.  I think it will take the coming weeks for it to really sink in.  Kent was our beautiful Melanie's dad, Tyler's father-in-law.  Dylan's other grandfather.  Jim and I knew him as a good friend.  From the beginning he and Jim hit it off.  They were so much alike.  Loving the outdoors, both landscape architects, going to the same school,  many of the same interests.  Tyler thought he was the favorite son in law.  But Kent made everyone feel that way.  He was just a good, kind man.  One of those that lived his beliefs.  He just made you feel good to be around him.

 Jim and I went to the funeral Thursday.  He was honored by family and friends.  It was a beautiful service. His wife, Marjene spoke - a very brave woman.  She read the words to this song.

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
I hope you still feel small When you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,
I hope you dance
I hope you dance."

She said it was a favorite of Kent's and what he chose to do his entire life.  In his work, church callings, with his family, and personal life. 
 After the funeral we all gathered around while Tyler blessed his little one.  It was a special moment for us all.
Kent was indeed a special man.  His family and friends have been blessed for having him in their lives. He will continue to live with them through his teachings, his stories, his works, most of all his love.  His legacy is great, but he raised a great family who will all continue to dance.

"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out - Reconsider
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance."

Kent danced -
I'm grateful I got to watch for just a bit.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My sister Marty, wrote several posts recently about "Intentional Mothering".  I loved reading all of them. 
We were young mothers together and I was grateful to get ideas from her when my kids were young.  The posts made me think about my thoughts on being a mother.  Mothering my children has been the greatest gift I could ever receive.   I cared for them, nourished, loved, encouraged - all those things.  But as I look at it, I have been given more - for it is they who  taught me. I don't think I would know anything if I hadn't had the chance to mother these exceptional human beings. They were the ones who taught me patience.  They taught me to love unconditionally.  They taught me to be interested in and learn about things that I would never have thought to learn. The list goes on.
 I am sure that these children I was given to raise, were older spirits that just came to earth after me. I was meant to house them and care for them while they were young.   Each one of them have unique talents and abilities that, if I had overlooked I would have truly missed out on something marvelous.  I looked at each child when they were young and they had such dreams and hopes.  Who was I to say that anything they choose to do was impossible?  If a child told me they were going to be an NBA star, pro golfer, or a writer of the great American Novel, how could I say anything but you can do it - if you want to.  You are talented and smart and can do anything you put your mind to.  And, if you choose to do something else, you will also be equally as successful.  These children have proven me right.  Because, each one has accomplished anything they set out to do.  Each child is loyal, loving, hardworking and kind. 
 How could a mother be so blessed to be given the opportunity to have such great kids?  Having children can be a difficult, exhausting job - but it also is the most noble and grand adventure that a woman can ask for.  I intentionally had five children.  I have been blessed over and over again with the birth and life of each child.  What I have done for them is nothing compared to what they have given me. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I went to a fireside Sunday night.  It celebrated all different kinds of women.  The stages of women's lives.  The sorrows and joys that women go through as we grow from young to old.  Problems and things that make us sad are unique to the individual, yet are universally felt and because of this there is a bond that ties women together.  This program had beautiful music written by a woman in this particular stake, and performed by members of the same stake.  It always amazes me how much talent exists in the church and how people are willing to give of their time and talents to uplift others. The ladies performing had to have practiced hours to give such a professional performance. 
As I watched, it struck me how different each woman looked.  Different hairstyles, ways of dressing, body shapes and sizes, but the beauty on each face was very apparant.  No voice sounded alike, yet they all sounded lovely.  My niece was part of the cast.  As I watched her and listened to her clear voice as she sang her part, I was struck by her amazing beauty.  She is truly a pretty girl, but I think that the real beauty came through because of the pureness of her voice and the conviction behind the words that she was singing.  She had that light shining through and around her that comes from within. She is just really good and real and pure. It shows and it makes her beautiful.  
I know many women like that.  Women who are righteous, good, kind, who see the best in others, who have charity.  Whatever their physical features are does not matter, for they become lovely because of what is going on inside their hearts.  In this world, that is so obsessed with the way everyone looks, it is nice to be reminded of what real beauty is all about.  A smile, a kind word, a hug...warm loving eyes.  These are things that make a woman truly beautiful..

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.  The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.  There beauty in a woman is refelected in her soul.  It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of that woman only grows with passing years."

-Audrey Hepburn 

Friday, March 11, 2011


Everywhere I look lately, I'm seeing cute bows and flowers on everything!  Especially shoes.  They look springy. (As you can tell, I'm ready for spring).  I think to myself.  I have lots of shoes, and I make flowers.  Maybe I can solve my wants/needs without spending any money.  I'm sure I've got a little fabric tucked away somewhere.  An hour later, I've spruced up these tired old shoes and made them into something kind of fun.
It's good I'm back to taking care of the little ones on Monday.  With my obsessiveness, when something turns out somewhat successful, I am likely to have flowers on every pair of shoes that I own.  I think just this one pair will do just fine.  (Although I do have some mauve shoes that would look lovely?!?).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm kind of getting ready for spring.  I want to rid my closet of anything that is dark or heavy.  Don't these things look lovely?  Do you think the snow will ever melt so wearing anthing like this is possible?    I'm looking out for some sun and warmer temperatures.  Longer days are in the forecast.  Things are looking up.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I've written about my neighborhood before.  Today one of our own is in surgery.  She found out just two weeks ago that she had a brain tumor.  This awful news, of course affects her family in the worst way.  She is their center, their rock.  But the news affects our neighborhood, because this lovely lady is part of all of us.  We are so close here.  We look out for one another.  We love one another. 
 There was a huge snowstorm last night.  As I drive through the streets I see so many out shovelling their neighbors driveways and walks.  Maybe for a widow, or for someone who is having a difficult time getting around.  Or maybe just to be nice.  And the shovellers aren't spring chickens either!  Men in their 70's and 80's out there making sure that those living around them will be able to get out and not slip.  Women out shovelling for those living next to them.  People taking meals in or just visiting because they know a friend is having a hard time. 

We are a blessed people..It is a good place to live.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I was reading through a book of thoughts my mom gave my grama.  Grama was such a cute lady.  She would write comments here and there.  I came across this one today.  She must have liked it and I do too.
She wrote under Henry David Thoreau's name, "Fine thoughts Henry David".  When I see the handwriting of someone I loved who isn't around anymore I love it.  It's like getting a little note from them.  Grama and I used to exchange letters, even though we lived in the same city.  It was just a nice way of expressing our thoughts to each other.  So today when I saw this I thought, "thanks for the thought Grama,  I love you too."

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I was able to spend the last few days in Colorado Springs with Nick.  It was so nice to see where he works, meet his friends and just spend time with him.  The Air Force Academy is very impressive.  It was fun to meet some of the people Nick teaches with.

I was able to meet one of Nick's best friends,  Dr S. Nicole and her friend Joe. I've heard so much about her, so it was nice to get to know her.  We had a great visit at her home, it was lovely.

Nick has found some interesting pieces to add to the few things he took with him.  His apartment looks and feels like Nick.  Books everywhere.  It is comfortable and peaceful.  I felt like I was on a relaxing retreat this weekend.
                                                   We hung a few pictures, to make things a bit more homey, although Nick's apartment is already warm and welcoming.  We watched movies that I would never take the time to watch at home.  I read and learned all about Tolstoy and Keats.  (something I would never do at home) .  I might even try and read something by Tolstoy.  Oh, probably never War and Peace, but maybe some of his later writings, now that I've learned something more about him and his life.  And maybe read a little poetry by Keats?  Nick always makes me want to learn more.  He's a good teacher.  Anyway, It was a great weekend,  nice to see him so happy and content with his life.  I feel relaxed.  Couldn't ask for more from a vacation.  

Friday, March 4, 2011


I was able to go with Nick to meet some of the other professers.  We've seen a little of Colorado Springs.  Nick's apartment is perfect.  More to see and people to meet tomorrow.  Having a lovely rest.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Am getting out on my own today. 
Leaving town. 
Going to visit Nick and friends at the Academy. 
I'm sure I'll have a lovely time. 
Will send a postcard and post pictures upon my return. 
Love, Polly

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I knew even before Abby was born that she was strong willed.  I wanted to have another baby a year before I knew she was coming.  She made me wait.  Before she could talk, she let me know what she wanted.  She got her message across loud and clear, somehow.  I'd had two boys before her, so I was excited to have a little girl to dress up and fix her hair in curls.  She would have none of that even when she was very small.  She has always known what she wanted and worked hard to get it.  She is smart and has lots of drive.  As she has grown she has become a beautiful woman who has created a beautiful home.  She has a career that she is really good at, but her focus is her husband, her boys and her home.  She is a talented quilter.  Anyone who has been given one of her creations treasures it, even as they wrap themselves up in its warmth, knowing it was created with her loving hands.  Abby is very small.  Yet, her presence, her warmth, laughter and love fill up the room.  I have been fortunate enough to become a small part of her family by tending her boys three days a week.  I love that I can share her kids with her, but at the end of the day when Jake and Sam hear the door open and they know mom's home, you should see the light in their eyes and the smiles on their faces.  They have the best mom in the whole world.  Have a Happy Birthday Abby!  Have fun riding all the rides and enjoying your family while you vacation.  You deserve it.
Love, mom