Friday, March 11, 2011


Everywhere I look lately, I'm seeing cute bows and flowers on everything!  Especially shoes.  They look springy. (As you can tell, I'm ready for spring).  I think to myself.  I have lots of shoes, and I make flowers.  Maybe I can solve my wants/needs without spending any money.  I'm sure I've got a little fabric tucked away somewhere.  An hour later, I've spruced up these tired old shoes and made them into something kind of fun.
It's good I'm back to taking care of the little ones on Monday.  With my obsessiveness, when something turns out somewhat successful, I am likely to have flowers on every pair of shoes that I own.  I think just this one pair will do just fine.  (Although I do have some mauve shoes that would look lovely?!?).


Travelin'Oma said...

You could open a store called The Shoe Garden and just sell flowers for shoes! They look cute!

Billie Sue said...

I love them! Gotta go...upstairs and check out my shoes to which ones need flowers! (By the way...I do love the Shoe Garden ideal!)