Sunday, March 27, 2011


 Today's Sunday.  So of course off we go to primary.  I was in charge of Sharing Time. Jim was teaching his class.  Jake got a new set of scriptures, because we are studying the scriptures this year and everyone is encouraged to bring their own.  I love these little kids in primary.  It's different being there than in years past.  Nothing bothers me, everything they do and say is cute.  Me, not so much.  I just can't remember things like I used to, so I'll be staring at a child I've known since birth and call them some strange name or I'll be talking about President Monson and I can't remember his name or the story I was telling.  The kids all look at me like I'm nuts, and I'm inclined to agree.  Today Jake looked at me during the opening part of primary and said, quite loudly, "Grama, just what's going on here?" 
I wonder myself occasionally.

As part of Sharing time I was talking about how the Prophet has asked us to be prepared.  I showed some pictures that were simple, like praying, going to church, reading scriptures.They were suppose to tell me what was going on in the pictures.  I showed the picture above and a little child answered "playing in the sand."  I said (in a very kind voice) "no, guess again."  He immediately started crying, he was so upset he didn't get the answer right.  The correct answer was 'planting a garden'.  Silly me - I should have just let him think the prophet wants us to play in the sand, which he probably does. 
See I'm just to old for this stuff.


Billie Sue said...

I have laughed so hard reading this post. "Hey Grama...what's going on here?" That is way too cute! I guess I am with you...everything they say is cute and me...not so much!

Travelin'Oma said...

I totally agree, Jo. I mean Polly.

Abby said...

Cute post. I'm glad you enjoy being in primary and I'm glad Jakes enjoys coming!