Saturday, April 23, 2011


 We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt today.  Lately Jake's been into mystery's and maps and treasures. So this week we decided there would be a map involved in hunting for the eggs. I asked Jim if he would be in charge of this, wanting just a simple little thing that Jake could pretend to follow as he looked for his eggs - (our other hunters are 16 months and 6 months), so Jake is still the leader of this pack. 
Of course when I give Jim an assignment he never does anything simple.  And of course it can be nothing less than perfect.  So of course Jake's 'map' was a master plan of our house and yard with "X's" marking where the stash would be.  And there was a treasure chest hidden deep in the trees at the top of the hill. 
It was a successful hunt - but we miss having the Eastern Gang here with us.
 The kids soon got rid of the map and just started looking.  Dylan even found an egg or two.
We came inside and had a great lunch! The kids brought Red Velvet Cake for a birthday celebration for Jim and I, and surprised us with a great gift! A stay at the Park City Hotel - dinner at Ruths Chris - golf, massage. The works - sounds lovely.  Does anybody know a good babysitter? 
Happy Easter!

1 comment:

whit said...

it was a lot of fun..thanks mom