Saturday, April 30, 2011


"There's nothing like staying home for real comfort."
     ~Jane Austen

My home isn't large, it didn't begin as my dream home. 
 It became my dream home. 
When we bought this house we didn't intend to stay longer than two years. 
That was about 33 years ago.  So instead of wishing we had the house we always wanted to build, we decided this was the home we always wished for. 
And because this is where we raised our children and made our lifelong friends, this is truly the home of our dreams. 
Everywhere I look in every room there are objects with special meanings connected to them.  I don't have things in my home.  Everything is either for comfort, a gift that is treasured, something Jim and I picked up while travelling, or a picture of a loved one.  So if I sit down, in any room, to read or rest for a minute I just have to look around, and I am reminded of something I cherish.

I've posted a few pictures of the bathroom Jim's been working on.
I think of the late nights, after a long day of work, that he has worked on this project. 
He's like that. 
Always working on something to make our home a bit nicer. 
 I told him a few days ago, as he was finishing up the tile, that he might not be painting a picture, but I felt as though his work was like a piece of art. 
He puts so much of himself into it.  He is such a perfectionist.
 A professional couldn't do a better job.
And so, as we put our heads together and pick colors for paint and choose tile or whatever the project may be, he does the heavy labor and I put the finishing touches and pull it together. 
I'd say we are a pretty good team. 
We might not have many talents, but together we can decorate, care for, and love our home.
Hopefully this effort expresses a bit about who we are. 

I love the time we spend in our home.  I love when our family and friends are here. 
The snows will eventually melt, and we will be outside working on projects in the garden.  And again, I will have never ending ideas of how we can plant this here or have that there.  And Jim will plant this here and move that there. 
It will be glorious. 
Our home isn't grand, it isn't even something you would look at twice if you drove down the street...
unless you knew how many dreams have come true inside these walls or
as you walk down the path and up the old stairs and
enter Upper Garden. 
Then you might want to stop by and stay awhile.
Friends are always welcome. 


Billie Sue said...

Beautifully stated. I must see both the house and gardens!

Billie Sue said...

Paula -- Thank you for your comment on my last post. The thing that is so unreal is that I wanted to call you all morning and invite you to go with me. I thought it would be a really special day for us to spend together. We had a little scare with Earl's sister, which created a change to my schedule. I actually got to the temple late and missed the last session, so I did initiatory work. It was a beautiful day! We have got to get together! My classes begin again on Monday. Summer session only goes through morning, however, and we could still get together early afternoon. Call me!