Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Jim and Polly
April 27th, 1972
 It is unbelievable that 39 years have passed since this picture was taken.  Thirty nine years ago I was a very young bride, just barely 19 years of age.  My parents were scared to death for me, because I was so young. I was determined...and of course knew everything.  But there is one thing I really did know.  I wanted to be married and be a mother.  So I found a really handsome brown eyed guy who wanted to get married and have kids, and I became a wife and a mother.  The first time Jim came to the door, and I looked into his eyes (my mom did too, and she instantly knew she had just lost her daughter) I knew this was it. 
(Mother's, beware of dark headed men with beautiful brown eyes)

Thirty nine years ago Jim and I started our life together. Along our way together we have been blessed with parents who always supported and loved, children who are our greatest joy and then the grandsons who make us feel young again.  We've worked to build a home and make it a place where love abounds and our family and friends feel welcome.  I feel that our home is a part of us, because we have worked so hard and put so much of ourselves into it.  We have travelled and had some adventures. We've suffered misfortune and ill-health. We've had much joy.  All this comes with the journey called marriage. 
 I still can't believe how young everybody looked.  Mom's hair was a masterpiece! Jamey was born 11 months after we were married and so we were off and running!
A few highlights of the past 39 years. 
Five children later, seven grandsons,
a lot of work, a lot of fun 
a lot of baseball, a few weddings.
Our life is centered around our family and we wouldn't have it any other way. 
 Happy Anniversary

(someday, when I'm brave, I'll tell the story of our actual wedding day, why I'm sitting in the pictures and why there really aren't that many pictures.  I think I could have ended up on Oprah with strange wedding day stories).


Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear your wedding day brave. :)

whit said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Billie Sue said...

Happy anniversary, you two young lovers! What a wonderful life you have created and how nice you love each other as much or more than you did 39 years ago!

al + sar said...

Happy Anniversary! I want to hear all the details one day!