Monday, April 25, 2011


A beautiful Easter Sunday. I was reminded all day long how grateful I am for my many blessings.  This picture depicts Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. I learned that is the way kings rode into cities to show their humility.  And Jesus was the most humble king of all.  I wonder what the leaders and those that have great wealth would think about riding into cities in small unglamorous cars? 
 I love this lesson, and as I observed, yet again, the good people here in my ward are a constant source of this very lesson.  So humble. So not caring what kind of calling they have, just wanting to do the very best in whatever they are doing. One of our former bishops, who has also been on the high counsel and held many other leadership positions, was just released, with his wife as nursery leader.  They jumped into that calling with as much enthusiasm and love as any other they have been called to do.  They have served those little children well and made their first experience in church a positive one.  Two other women, who also have had various leadership positions throughout their service have just been put in as nursery leaders, and are taking their calling to heart.  These two are not just babysitters.  They have a plan and a purpose, just as if they were President of Relief Society or YW. 
I have learned that it is not the calling, but how much we serve in whatever calling is given.  Also how much is learned.  And how much we love, because by loving and serving I, myself have gotten so much more back than any effort given. 
On this Easter Sunday, as in all the lessons the Savior taught, the least will be first.  I am grateful for His life and great example.


al + sar said...

Thanks Polly, I needed this with my new adventure in nursery!

Billie Sue said...

Beautiful post! I tried to comment on your previous one last night, but my computer went crazy and I never did get it posted. I loved your Easter egg hunt/treasure hunt. Isn't life wonderful when you have family to spend your time with. This Easter season has been beautiful for me as I have pondered exactly what the Savior did for us. It is impossible to fully comprehend, but I know I love and appreciate Him for what I understand.