Sunday, May 8, 2011


 A lovely mother's day.
One where I thought all day how blessed I was to have such beautiful women come before me. Women who were always an example to me and continue to be. 
I think of them often.
Women who were full of compassion, charity and love.
Why was I so blessed to be born here, surrounded by these incredible people?
I can only say a prayer of gratitude each day that I knew and was influenced by each one of them. 
I continue to be blessed to have wonderful mother's raising my seven grandson's. 
They amaze me each day by all they accomplish and how much they give of themselves. 
The grandmother's would look down and smile, I'm sure. 
Happy Mother's Day.


Billie Sue said...

You are on that list of beautiful mothers, as well. What a great mother you had and Him had a wonderful mother too. So nice to have had the opportunity to be taught and influenced by such women. It is definitely satisfying to see your own children and smile to yourself when you see them repeating some of the things you taught them too. Happy Mother's Day!

Billie Sue said...

Sorry for my typo...I meant "Jim!"