Thursday, June 16, 2011


Years ago, when I was young,
I said I would never be one of those grama's who tended
their grandchildren on a regular basis.
That was before I learned to say~
 never say anything about what you would
or would not do.
That is back when I knew everything about everything.
That is back before I realized I know nothing about anything.
 About three years ago I started tending my little grandson Jake three days a week.
 My daughter and I thought we'd try it for a year and see how it worked out for both of us. 
It is three years later and I'm still here, so it seems to be working. 
 (It is a hard job some days, but Abby would have to pull me
kicking and screaming away from those kids now).

Well, of course it was inevitable that she would have a second child. 
This brought a few changes.  But Jake and I adjusted to our new situation
and Sam became a part of our happy days.  Some complications arose occasionally.
But we rose to the occasion, figured things out and became a threesome that
could never be split up. 
 I did need to go back to the child-rearing book. 
 No more spanking.  Only time out for these kids. 
Which is actually good for me, because as the grama,
I couldn't get mad at these darlings anyway. 
It's much easier to put them in their room
and say time-out~ one minute for one year. 
 (Secretly I go in and tickle Sam and we end up laughing and having a little fun-
 no wonder he's such a pill, don't tell his mother). son Tyler and his wife had a little boy seven months ago and we couldn't exclude him from the club.  But, again there were some adjustments to be made. 
 This time Jake has become Dylan's defender and Sam is the one having a somewhat difficult time. 
Needless to say, I must protect Dylan constantly.
I'm sure Sam will grow out of this stage of not wanting Dylan around?!!!
They'll be best friends in a few months -
grama's have an advantage of having perspective and
 knowing that everything is a shortlived stage. 
However, Some of my kids are still just growing out of their stages,
but they do grow out of them eventually -
anyway things have a way of fixing themselves. 

One particularly bad day Jake wanted his juice,
Sam wanted his bottle and Dylan was crying. 
Since Jake is the only one who can talk he over rode everyone
"I WANT MY JUICE"  I said, "Jake I can't do everything at once." 
Skip ahead to yesterday. 
Things seem to be settling into a nice routine. 
 All of us line up on the couch at naptime. 
 Jake with his pillow and blanket. 
Sam with his pillow and blanket.  We're all set to watch the....

Our favorite going to sleep show. 
I got busy.. 
Got Jake's juice, Sam's bottle, Dylan's bottle, while holding Dylan  -
walked toward the couch. 
Jake looked up and said " see Grama, you can do everything at once!"  
Hope he doesn't expect that kind of organization all the time. 
I cuddled in with all my boys,  one by one they drop off to sleep. 
Ahhhhhhh.....peace at last....
 I carry Sam into his bed,
Dylan to his, Jake sleeps on the couch with me.
 Naptime is for everyone.


Billie Sue said...

You make a common day sound like a fairy tale! What a woman! I admire you!

Abby said...

What a cute post. I'm amazed at how well you deal with all 3 boys. We are so lucky to have you around!