Thursday, June 2, 2011


Finally back in the swing of things. 
I like it. 
I love being able to go away, to see different places and things, but I love being home. 
I loved going back to Abby's and seeing the little ones yesterday. 
There were lots of hugs and then back to playing.  Jake and Sam had a surprise for me.
They  (not they - actually their mom and dad) had switched their rooms around. 
Sam doesn't have a room anymore. He has moved in with Jake, and his room has turned into the play room. Dylan even approved, as he checked it all out. 
The way things are suppose to go is that the bedroom is the bedroom, and it isn't suppose to fill up with toys. 
 So we used it to lounge around and catch up. 
 Dylan was  taking it easy, just rolling around on the floor. 
Sam was climbing up and down the ladder of the bunk bed.
Jake and I, well we were solving world problems, well their world problems,
when he came up with this one. 
He said "You know, grama, the truth of it is, we can bring a few toys into this room." 
 I said, "really, who told you that?" Jake, "my dad". 
 Well I guess that's the truth of it if that's what the dad says. 
The truth of it is...
I love my days with these little boys.

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Isn't it funny...if their Mom or Dad say, then that's the way it is. Luke once asked me for a snack. When I gave him a bowl of chips, he said, "Is this a HEALTHY snack, because my Mom said I can only eat HEALTHY snacks!" That's the way it should be kind of lets us off the hook!