Thursday, July 21, 2011


I am not having a good day. This is my back and my neck looks similar. I have an arthritic condition where the arthritis eats at my spine. I've had two surgeries on my back and a surgery on my neck where they fused everything together. Yet the arthritis continues to eat away whatever isn't held together by the hardware. My left leg starts dragging from numbness and pain. This keeps me from doing the things I love to do. I went to my back doctor the other day and he suggested another surgery to clean out the stuff that grows around my spine or taking prednizone, which because of previous experience with that drug I just can't bring myself to do. So my options are to have the big old cortisone shots in my back. One worked great, the other didn't. So today I go and hope for the best.
Whine, Whine, Whine.
The point of all this whining, is that I try to look at things from the bright side most of the time, but sometimes, when due to leg hurting constantly, and keeping me from doing the things I love to do, I get a bit down. So, I read things and think of blessings.
 I spent time in my upper garden last night, which needed desperate care and love, but nonetheless was quiet and peaceful. It encloses me, as if there isn't anything outside of this little world. I can think and be grateful. Titanium pins are relatively new. If I had this condition a number of years ago, they couldn't have put these strong rods in my back and neck and made me somewhat of a bionic woman! They have epideral shots that now, in some instances can relieve pain for months! Wow! If my grama had this condition, and who knows maybe she did, she would not have had any of these fixes.
If I lived in a developing country and had no doctors or medicine, there would be nothing to help me and on top of that I would have no Upper Garden! So, I say to myself,
 "stop whining", go get your shot,
and pray that it works this time."

"We think that people are grateful because they are happy.
But is this true?
 Look closely, and you will find that people are happy because they are grateful.
When we are thankful for whatever is given to us,
 no matter how difficult, no matter how uninvited it may be,
the thankfulness itself makes us happy".

~David Steindl-Rast
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whit said...

Hope you start feeling better. Let me know if I can do anything.

Billie Sue said...

I am so sorry. I can't do anything for you about the condition, but i could give you something to try for the pain -- really! My Dad suffered terribly with back pain and knee pain. We tried all the shots and ointments and whatever else you can think of. Sad. My sister has the same situation.

Travelin'Oma said...

I hope the shot works!