Tuesday, July 12, 2011


"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy".

Guillaume Appollinaire

I wear a small necklace with the word "psala" engraved on it. In Hebrew it means "to pause".
I look at it often as I put it around my neck each morning. It reminds me as I water my flowers to stop and look at each one and be grateful for its different shape, color and height.
How it adds to the beauty of my garden.
The word reminds me to see the differences of my little ones as I spend my days with them.
Jake has a million things to say each day. Everything he says makes me laugh, and there might come a day when he is more interested in talking to his friends than spending time with an old grama, so I soak it up. Sam jabbers and sometimes is frustrated and cries, but his chubby little body is the best to hug when he cuddles in as he falls asleep at naptime. Dylan smiles at all the goings on and he and Sam actually played together yesterday! It was so fun to see Sam hide his face and say boo and to see Dylan laugh out loud!
This is especially gratifying as Sam is usually Dylan's tormenter!
Some days are harder than others, but it just makes the good days sweeter.
So it is nice to "pause" and be grateful for those quiet, sweeter days.
 It's been raining a lot...I so want to lay in the sun and feel its warmth on my skin, yet the rain brings a greener garden and sweet smelling grass.
 So when I spend my days in the pursuit of happiness it is good to just stop pursuing,
 pause and just be happy.
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