Friday, July 22, 2011


Jake has a building set similar to Legos. They snap together and make structures.
One of them is the Batcave which is like the one above. Very intricate.
When Jake was about two I taught him the word Improvize. We used this word when we didn't have enough blocks or couldn't figure something out. We would just improvize!
It was a great word and Jake caught on fast. He would say it often when he got frustrated with some project he was working on.
 He'd say "grama polly, we'll just improvize"! Saved us alot of tears. Well, the other day, his dad had built him a great big robot out of these blocks, and Jake wanted the batcave. Mike was on his way to work, and said "maybe grama polly will build it with you." Jake's answer was a very sad, "no dad, she'll improvize".
 When I got there Jake had the instruction book waiting.
He said
 "we're building the batcave, here's the instruction book - it's 25 pages long, and no improvizing"!
 I thought to myself, "who's in charge here?"
 Well needless to say, with three little ones under the age of three there was no batcave with any 25 pages of instructions built that day - lots of improvizing. I taught that word for a reason.
If Jake wants that built like it should be, he'll have to wait for his dad...
or hire an engineer.
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Ann Summerville said...

Cute post

Billie Sue said...

Cute, cute! I love your philosophy!