Monday, November 21, 2011

Watching with wonder

After almost a week with the flu I got back to the regular schedule today.  
Funny how missing a few days with the little ones makes me really miss them. 
 Jake and Sam met me at the door with all kinds of news about their days 
since I had been there last.  
I can understand all of Jake's news, 
but just let Sam jabber on about everything as he tries to keep up with his big brother.  
When Dylan arrived we went downstairs to play 
"crawling through the tunnel"  
and with the new Polar Express Train.  
Then down the hall to the gym where they all go through their exercise routines. 
 I watch with wonder as they laugh, scream and play.  
Everything is an adventure to these little boys.  
Of course all good things come to an end when I say 
"it's nap time." 
Grama's always end the fun.  
Sam snuggles under his mom and dad's down comforter,
 Jake curls up on the couch and Dylan cuddles in my arms. 
Gratefully they all fall asleep. 
 It was the perfect way to come back after a few days away.  

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

How fun. I love it when my little ones come over. Earl and I are both just silly about thinking everything they say is cute. I am sure people get tired of hearing about our grandkids and the things they say! Grandparenting is a really nice stage in life!