Thursday, March 29, 2012

On the road again!!

Every spring I feel the need to fly away.  It goes way back to my high school days.  When those first warm days appeared and I wanted nothing to do with school or books.  I just wanted to play.  In April, when it's a clear, warm day and I see an airplane in the distance that feeling comes back to me. 

Usually we go on a trip in September.  And lately they have been road trips.  Our friends, the Winchester's along with Jim and I, clean out one of our cars and off we go.  We've seen so much of the country this way.  Mesa Verde, Mt, Rushmore, Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, Yosemite, and of course everything that lies along the way.  We are never in a hurry.  Ready to stop whenever there is something interesting.  A few times we have ventured further.  The Indy 500 trip, and Bar Harbor Maine will never be forgotton.

This time I get my wish and we fly off in April. Destination - The East.  First stop, Williamsburg, Va
Staying in the lovely Marriott vacation Resort.  Can't wait for a little meandering through the streets, a little shopping, relaxing, and some golf.
I love the history that surrounds the area.  It's been years since I visited this beautiful part of our country.

Next stop, Washington DC.  Much has changed there since we've been.  Can't wait to see everything we can pack in!

Then on to Philadelphia.  Finishing up our historic tour.  The Winchester's leave us here and we spend some family time with our gang.  Can't wait to see them and watch a little baseball!  This vacation can't come soon enough. I'm counting the days!
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al + sar said...

Jealous! HAVE FUN!

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