Thursday, November 15, 2012

Couldn't do it Without You

My heart is filled with gratitude for my husband who works so hard at his job, then comes home and works to make our home beautiful.  He is busy taking cabinets down in our kitchen, fixing the ceiling, painting, moving furniture, always without complaint.  Next week when we begin preparations for Thanksgiving dinner he will be there helping.  Peeling potatoes, preparing the turkey, setting the table, cleaning, cleaning up, generally being there to take orders from me!  As Jake says to me everyday..."Couldn't do it without you."  I couldn't do it without Jim,
 who quietly does it all. 


whit said...

cute post mom! i couldn't do it without dad either.

Travelin'Oma said...

I loved this. I love Jim, too. Your photo is darling!

al + sar said...

Love this! And I love uncle Jim too-one of the best guys I know!

Billie Sue said...

Beautiful expression.

Abby said...

I love this pictures of you both! So cute to see you smiling and sharing this sweet moment together.