Monday, December 31, 2012

A few Regrets...These aren't among them.

Yesterday in church our neighbor gave a talk about regrets.  It was a fabulous talk.  He went through life stages and how we have small regrets in our early years, but maybe as we get older there are bigger regrets.  He ended his talk with a letter from a friend who has only a few weeks to live due to illness.  He listed his regrets, which basically had to do with loving more and spending time with those loved ones, expressing his love to them more often.  Of course we think of those things as we get close to the end of our life.  But they are such simple things..things that can be done each day, just a quick hug or an "I love you"  letting someone express their feelings freely..loving unconditionally.  I have so many regrets, but I thought I'd list a few of those things I don't regret this year. 

I don't regret surrounding myself with these guys, seeing their happy faces.
Their smiles bring joy to my life.

I don't regret seeing Jim smile.  Especially when he is with his grandkids.  That's when the joy comes out the most.  He's got a great smile.

I don't regret working in my garden.  I love planting those beautiful flowers and seeing them grow.  What a lovely season, barefeet on hot cement, sitting outdoors late into the evening, watching the sun set. Summer, my favorite time of year.

I don't regret travelling.  I always love seeing different places, experiencing different ways.  It makes me appreciate the beautiful world and also the beautiful spot I call home.

I don't regret spending time with family and friends.  These women are my support, They are who I turn to who and who turn to me.  I love them.  Girlfriends are the best. 

I certainly don't regret loving and being with "my girls."  We're outnumbered, but a strong force in the family.  Beautiful each one with different and individual strengths.   How grateful I am to be apart of these girls lives. 
I have many regrets.  Things I wish I would have done better..things I wish I wouldn't have done at all.  But, spending time with loved ones,  spending time out in the beautiful world,  these things I only regret not doing more of.  So very grateful for these simple, yet most important blessings in my life.

1 comment:

whit said...

Cute post mom!!! Love you lots