Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reflections on Age

In a little over six weeks I will be turning 60. 
 I've decided it's time to let go of a few things that I don't think are going to happen. 
 I don't think I will ever be one of those lovely tall(??) skinny elegant women who age gracefully with long, beautifully greying hair. 
 I don't think I'll ever get my shelves relined,
 I don't know that I'll ever sit leisurely by a pool reading papers...
and I don't think my kitchen will ever look like the picture above. 
 It's time to accept myself as I am today. 

This young girl is gone. 
 Gone is the tiny figure, the smooth skin, the energy that a younger woman has.  
 Although this may seem somewhat depressing and a bit sad, it truly isn't. 
 For as I've aged I've been learning lessons. 
 I've been taught by the those I am closest to.
My friendships are more precious because we've known one another for so long and been through so much together. 
 Each relationship I have deepens as the years go by. 
 As I make mistakes I gain wisdom and hopefully strive to become a better person. 
 I feel that I am a much more compassionate person than that young girl was..she hadn't really been tested yet. 
 Growing older isn't so bad if you think about what has been gained (and if you don't look at old pictures). 
 Growing older is about  acceptance.  There's always room for improvement. life certainly isn't over yet..but it's good to learn to be happy with the way things are.. being content, appreciating the wisdom gained and all the lessons learned.  Enjoying simple things..taking time to be grateful for all the blessings I have been given.  Enjoying my beautiful grandchildren.  Having perspective.  Knowing what is important. 

"Seek not outside yourself, heaven is within."
~Mary Lou Cook

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Recap-Philly Vacation

A little run down on our visit to the kids back east.  We saw lots of sports.  Got there at just the right time to see the end of their basketball and soccer season. 

Got to be there for Hogan's 12th birthday! He got a phone, which he was thrilled about.  Parents calling to see if it works.  He's learning all the rules of being a responsible phone owner.

Watching the kids study.  Seeing Becky bake (gained another five pounds!)  Just hanging out.  The best part of being there with the gang.
Did manage to get away one day to visit the Reading Terminal Market in downtown Philly.  Loved wandering around.  Seeing all the fresh flowers, fresh baked good, fruit and veggies and the desserts!!
Best philly cheese steaks ever!
Oh and we got to drive all over Pennsylvania's winding roads with Taylor as he learns to drive.  Wouldn't want to be in his shoes.  No drivers training.  Just read the manual, then get in the car with both parents telling you what to do.  And the roads back there are crazy!  He'll be an amazing driver!
Plus, isn't he the best looking 16 year old you've ever seen?
It was a great eleven days. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

What a wonderful world

This past week has been amazing.  We have had so much fun being with the gang back here in PA.  They are such good kids.  Busy with all the activities that boys are involved with.  Basketball, soccer, getting ready for baseball.. school, church.  They have good friends.  It is nice to sit back and watch their comings and goings, to be apart of it all for a few short days.  
This past weekend has been really special.  As I sat in James and Becky's ward Relief Society and enjoyed the lesson given (i don't get to relief society often as i spend my time with the sunbeams back home) I was so touched.  The subject was "See Others as They May Become."  This beautifully given lesson taught how we should see past issues people might have and see their potential set the stage for events that would happen later in the evening.  
After church we went to a party for James' boss.  It was his birthday.  There were tons of people there, none that I knew, but I was immediately impressed by their friendliness, their close family ties and how quickly they made us feel apart of the group.  Immediately upon arrival we were met and greeted by our host and hostess and every other family member and made to feel so welcome.  I found myself sitting by our host's mother in law and an aunt.  These women were so kind and gracious.  The aunt and I talked almost the whole time we were at the party and I was amazed by how much we had in common.  We came from different backgrounds, religions, geographical locations, yet in just a short time a bond was created and I felt a true love for this woman.   

I have also been following the facebook page "Whatever it Takes"  telling the story of our friend Chricker Hallsey's son, Tyer who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.  The courage that they have as they face this trial is amazing.  Watching the support of wonderful friends, family and total strangers is uplifting and makes we want to be a better person.  

So I have been uplifted these past few day.
 I am grateful we were able to be here.
Grateful for the experiences we have had while we were here,
 grateful for a renewed sense of goodness in the world.
 Grateful for friends who see my potential,
and in spite of myself... love me anyway.
 Because of their love,  because of the goodness of others,
I want to be better.
It truly is a wonderful world.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hogan's Birthday and The Reading Terminal Market

We've had a fun day!  It's not very often we get to spend a birthday with one of these guys. 
 Hogan turns twelve today and it was fun to be here with him to celebrate.  
We've been able to watch him play basketball and soccer this last week, along with the others. 
 Hogan is thrilled as he got a phone for his birthday! 
Happy Birthday Hogan.

Jim and I went with Becky to the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia.  
What a fun place with tons of fresh food everywhere. 
 Some of the best philly cheese steaks we've had.  
We are having a great time!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A letter to my daughter

To my dear Whitney

A very Happy Birthday to my youngest daughter Whitney.  I Can't believe you turned 31 yesterday. 
As I see your posts with you and Wren it seems like yesterday that you were the little one and I was holding and cuddling you.  I just have to look at Wren to be reminded of what a sweet and beautiful baby you were.  

And now you have become a beautiful and accomplished woman.  You are such a great Yoga instructor. When I watch you teach, you are so graceful and confident. 
 I love watching you with Wren as well.. every bit as graceful and confident in your role as a mother.  What a lucky little girl Wren is to have you as her mother.   You are a perfect role model for her. 

Whit, you are  a loyal friend, sister, loving wife and mother and a wonderful daughter.  
Hope you had a great day yesterday! 
I am so grateful Abby was there to look after you while we are away!  
Thank you for being such a good friend and lovely daughter. I am sure this year will be another one to look forward to, as we watch our little bird grow. 
I love you.


Friday, February 15, 2013

A Late night surprise

 It's been cold and gray lately...
so Grampa decided it was time to get away for a little spring baseball.
We got on a plane,
 late at night
...flew in

Can't believe how much they've grown in just six months.  
Will post about the fun days ahead.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Just a few of those that have and continue to bring me joy. 
To my family, loved ones and friends...
Happy Valentines Day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Who is in Charge???

Last Friday I brought Dylan home for a little late night fun with us. 
 It was the start of a busy weekend. 
He played with Gramps, watched a little TV and then crawled into our big bed with me,
 (which he loves...the pillows and feather comforter are soooo soft.) 
 There he listened to a few lullabies and drifted off to sleep. 
 It was pretty much the only idylic part of the last few days.
Usually even the most organized and best laid plans don't go without something happening to mess it up just a bit.  Take my post from Saturday night about my Sunbeam class. 
Of course as plans and lessons are laid out it is always with the best intentions, until you are faced with a group of three year olds. 
 (you'd think I'd know this, since this is the average age of who I deal with 90 percent of my life.)

I had a well planned lesson. 
Beautiful valentine cookies on a stick,
 a valentine card for each child. 
 Stories, a game that went along with the lesson. 
 Music, snacks for when they get hungry, 
 their own little cup for a sip of water, a flannel board story where they helped.
 That's where the organization ended.
At 1:40 when our primary started
the chaos began. 
 It is the afternoon so these little ones start out a little droopy anyway,
 by the time they get to class half are saying "I'm tired"
(That is if they can even talk!) 
One child tried to escape out the window,
another little boy just wanted to eat the whole class time. 
 He was not interested in anything except when he would get fed next. 
another layed down on the floor
another is eating his shirt
(not the one who is hungry) 
My class is broken up into a number of increments to keep their attention. 
 I'll need to double those increments in the future.
 (And practice doing cartwheels and standing on my head to keep their attention.)
 To top everything off my contact was screwy and I couldn't see anything,
so my picture story with the storylines on the back of the pictures was totally made up,
 because I couldn't see it, 
 (I had read it a number of times, so I had the jist of the story). 
 The title of the Lesson was "My Heavenly Father and Jesus love me." 
 Each part of the lesson reiterated this.  I had them repeat it back to me, so if they remembered nothing else from the lesson they would remember that. 
 When I asked one little boy what the lesson was about,
 he said,
 (Which little boy do you think said that?)  
 I had given him about three tiny oreos and as I gave them to him I said
"who loves you?" answer: Heavenly Father and Jesus.
 Then they got a cookie. 
 One fell asleep in my arms during sharing time and another was just about there as she snuggled  close. 
 Hopefully they know I love them and will feel loved and secure when they come to primary.

On to other adventures! 
Yesterday Dylan was shown who the boss was by Sam. 
 Sam is usually sweet and good to Dylan, but he was having an off day yesterday and making sure that Dylan knew who was in charge
 (and it wasn't me). 
Today we had Dylan and Wren over here. 
I guess Dylan, being the older, bigger child was going to show Wren a few things. 
 He did play pretty well with her, showing her his socks,
but explaining to her who is in charge
of all the toys.
..and it isn't Wren. 

I've decided no matter what we grown ups do,
 the kids are really running the show.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Belated Birthday to Melanie..

It's been a busy few days, which is no excuse.  But I'm posting a belated birthday wish to my beautiful daughter in law Melanie.  She's a wonderful mother, wife, and works hard at her job.  She has created a lovely home for her family.  The best part is that home is just minutes away, so I get to see this little family often.  I am so blessed to have her be a part of our lives.  Hope you have a great year.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jesus Loves the Sunbeams

The lesson this week for my Sunbeams is, "Heavenly Father and Jesus love me."
Of course They do!  This is a perfect lesson for this week as Valentine's Day is coming up.  So each child will get a valentine card  like the one above, and then they will be sent home with a valentine cookie on a stick and a special valentine for their mom and dad.  Here is an example.  (Abby don't look)
The kids love using the old fashioned flannel board.  They love to put the  pieces on the board as I tell the story.  I sit on a little chair right down on their level and put the flannel board on the floor.  That way they can put the pieces on easily.  They like the same story told several times and I think this is a good idea because it helps them remember the most important part of the lesson. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Road to Grace

Taken from 
"Gift from the Sea"

"I am seeking perhaps what Socrates asked for in the prayer from the Phaedrus when he said, "May the outward and inward man be one." I would like to achieve a state of inner spiritual grace from which I could function and give as I was meant to in the eye of God.
Vague as this definition may be, I believe most people are aware of periods in their lives when they seem to be "in grace" and other periods when they feel "out of grace," even though they may use different words to describe these states. In the first happy condition, one seems to carry all one's tasks before one lightly, as if borne along on a great tide; and in the opposite state one can hardly tie a shoestring. It is true that a large part of life consists in learning a technique of tying the shoestring, whether one is in grace or not. But there are techniques of living too; there are even techiques in the search for grace. And techniques can be cultivated. I have learned by some experience, by many examples, and by the writings of countless others before me, also occupied in the search, that certain environments, certain modes of life, certain rules of conduct are more conducive to inner and outer harmony than others. There are, in fact, certain roads, that one may follow. Simplification of life is one of them. Simplification of outward life is not enough. It is merely the outside. But I am starting with the outside. I am looking at the outside of a shell, the outside of my life - the shell. The complete answer is not to be found on the outside, in an outward mode of living. This is only a technique, a road to grace."
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I have read this book so many times I cannot count. It means different things at different times in my life. This particular part is so meaningful, because I have been in both stages, when I feel "in grace" and "out of grace". I have learned many of these lessons and know that simplifying and feeling calm within is a beginning of being on that road to grace. It is something that I have to continually work on or I end up on some trail far out of the way. I love the peaceful feeling I get when I read this beautiful book.
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam!

I have been in the Primary Presidency for the past few years.  We were released a few weeks ago and I was put in as the Sunbeam teacher.  I am so excited to be in with these little ones. 
They are a bit nervous as it is their first experience being in a class. 
 Our church is at 12:30, many of these children are tired by the time they come to primary, so that can be a little challenging. 
 I am so grateful to all of those women who have blogs and helps online. 
 There are so many teaching aids to help with lessons, handouts etc. 
 The thing that I find most helpful in teaching the Sunbeams is having time increments
Basically an extension of the nursery, without as much playtime
Easing them into more lesson time each week. 
 Lesson time, craft time, snacktime, playtime, storytime.
 I feel that if they leave with just a small idea of what the lesson is about I've reached my goal. 
 I try not to cram too much in, just focus on the main idea of the lesson. 
Today our lesson is teaching that Jesus is Heavenly Father's Son. 
We will talk about how they have father's and how much their dad's love them.  We will walk around in dad's shoes for awhile
I will let them tell me what they do with their dad's. 
They will put flannel board cutouts up while I tell them how Jesus was born
how when He
was twelve his parents couldn't find him
Oh my, what would your parents do if they couldn't find you?!!!
We will sing Away in a Manger and Once there was a Baby to the tune of Once there was a snowman. 
 Keeping everything simple.
  I am surrounded by little ones through the week, and this just seems like the natural place for me to be!

Friday, February 1, 2013


"We are all in this together. We need each other, Oh, how we need each other. Those of us who are old need you who are young. And, hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old. It is a sociological fact that women need women. We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other. These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance. We need to renew our faith every day. We need to lock arms and help build the kingdom so that it will roll forth and fill the whole earth".

Marjorie Pay Hinckley

I think the older I get the more I seem to understand this beautiful statement.
How I treasure my friendships. I have a better understanding of younger people and so, more compassion. I am not so quick to tell them what they should do, because I have learned that there truly are no real answers. Mostly we just want to be listened to and loved.
 I think that's why I loved my Grama so much. She was so sweet. She pretty much just gave us all her unconditional love.

 That's probably why I do so well with the younger set.
 I get them. They don't really want to be told what to do.
They just want loves and to have somebody around who listens to them.
They don't even care what you look like, whether
you have makeup on,  or what you wear!?!
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