Monday, February 25, 2013

What a wonderful world

This past week has been amazing.  We have had so much fun being with the gang back here in PA.  They are such good kids.  Busy with all the activities that boys are involved with.  Basketball, soccer, getting ready for baseball.. school, church.  They have good friends.  It is nice to sit back and watch their comings and goings, to be apart of it all for a few short days.  
This past weekend has been really special.  As I sat in James and Becky's ward Relief Society and enjoyed the lesson given (i don't get to relief society often as i spend my time with the sunbeams back home) I was so touched.  The subject was "See Others as They May Become."  This beautifully given lesson taught how we should see past issues people might have and see their potential set the stage for events that would happen later in the evening.  
After church we went to a party for James' boss.  It was his birthday.  There were tons of people there, none that I knew, but I was immediately impressed by their friendliness, their close family ties and how quickly they made us feel apart of the group.  Immediately upon arrival we were met and greeted by our host and hostess and every other family member and made to feel so welcome.  I found myself sitting by our host's mother in law and an aunt.  These women were so kind and gracious.  The aunt and I talked almost the whole time we were at the party and I was amazed by how much we had in common.  We came from different backgrounds, religions, geographical locations, yet in just a short time a bond was created and I felt a true love for this woman.   

I have also been following the facebook page "Whatever it Takes"  telling the story of our friend Chricker Hallsey's son, Tyer who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.  The courage that they have as they face this trial is amazing.  Watching the support of wonderful friends, family and total strangers is uplifting and makes we want to be a better person.  

So I have been uplifted these past few day.
 I am grateful we were able to be here.
Grateful for the experiences we have had while we were here,
 grateful for a renewed sense of goodness in the world.
 Grateful for friends who see my potential,
and in spite of myself... love me anyway.
 Because of their love,  because of the goodness of others,
I want to be better.
It truly is a wonderful world.

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