Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reflections on Age

In a little over six weeks I will be turning 60. 
 I've decided it's time to let go of a few things that I don't think are going to happen. 
 I don't think I will ever be one of those lovely tall(??) skinny elegant women who age gracefully with long, beautifully greying hair. 
 I don't think I'll ever get my shelves relined,
 I don't know that I'll ever sit leisurely by a pool reading papers...
and I don't think my kitchen will ever look like the picture above. 
 It's time to accept myself as I am today. 

This young girl is gone. 
 Gone is the tiny figure, the smooth skin, the energy that a younger woman has.  
 Although this may seem somewhat depressing and a bit sad, it truly isn't. 
 For as I've aged I've been learning lessons. 
 I've been taught by the those I am closest to.
My friendships are more precious because we've known one another for so long and been through so much together. 
 Each relationship I have deepens as the years go by. 
 As I make mistakes I gain wisdom and hopefully strive to become a better person. 
 I feel that I am a much more compassionate person than that young girl was..she hadn't really been tested yet. 
 Growing older isn't so bad if you think about what has been gained (and if you don't look at old pictures). 
 Growing older is about  acceptance.  There's always room for improvement. life certainly isn't over yet..but it's good to learn to be happy with the way things are.. being content, appreciating the wisdom gained and all the lessons learned.  Enjoying simple things..taking time to be grateful for all the blessings I have been given.  Enjoying my beautiful grandchildren.  Having perspective.  Knowing what is important. 

"Seek not outside yourself, heaven is within."
~Mary Lou Cook


Travelin'Oma said...

This is a gorgeous picture. You're timeless.

Abby said...

Pretty pic! Is this one from your photo shoots with Nick? Love this post!