I listen to a lot of what is going on now days. A lot of people think a lot of different things about the country and how it should be run. How things should be. Maybe it should be this way, maybe that way. I like history and so I always turn to the founding fathers, and continue to rely on their wisdom.
Last night I was going through some old pictures and letters and found three letters from my dad to my Grama Lundgren during WWII. So sweet. Telling how he felt about June. It made me think alot about what the United States meant to him.
I've had this article by Elie Wiesel for a long time, because I thought it was so excellent. Thought I'd share bits and pieces of it.

"Hope is the key word for men and women life myself, who found in America the stength to overcome cynicism and despair."
Dad was on the other side of the world fighting a different kind of war. He was born an American citizen, and always loved this country and the ideals this great nation stood for all the days of his life. He gave up years of his life as a young man to fight in WWII. He was lonely, bored, sick and tired and he wanted to get home and get on with his life. But he knew what he was doing was life altering for that family that he wanted to have when the war was over, and for generations to come. I am grateful to him for his sacrifice and for instilling in me the love I have for this beautiful nation and all that it gives to me. May we never forget the sacrifice of these great men and women and what it was for.
Thank you Polly! Well said!
that was beautiful...loved it...
Dad is so cute in this photo. He made a huge difference in lots of lives, especially ours.
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